You Are Free When You Think

You are free when you think

One of the greatest wishes of human beings is to be free. A very precious asset that, sometimes, we find it difficult to find. How many times have you felt tied to a person or to your own work? On what occasions have you noticed that you were stuck without being able to move forward?

Freedom is not always taken from us by circumstances or by others. We are the ones who often deliver it or put a price that is too low. Being free has more to do with perception than reality.

Therefore, an incarcerated person can feel much freer than one who is surrounded by loved ones. One way to fully notice this is by traveling. Many people are addicted to it because jumping from country to country they have the feeling that it is their will, and not convention, that guides their steps.

Stop carrying the weight of the material

The age in which we live and the thinking that surrounds us is very materialistic. We give maximum power to accumulate wealth and things that are not really useful. However, the fact of having them makes us happy? Now that we are close to Christmas, it could be a good time to get rid of everything that surrounds us, but that is of no use to us.

Donating clothes, toys, useful or decorative objects can be a tremendously liberating experience. Not only because you clean and throw out everything that was taking up space, but because you are giving the possibility to other people that they can give some use to what you have accumulated.

Bird that is free

Although, perhaps, they feel much freer than you. You don’t have to have a lot to feel free, you don’t have to have a lot of money to feel comfortable. We believe that all those clothes that we have in the closet are necessary, but… Don’t you really use the same clothes almost all the time? In fact, there are surely clothes that you will not wear again.

Those worries that come to your mind about “I might need it tomorrow”, “What if I want to wear it for some special occasion?” they limit your freedom. So fill your life with things that you will need, but only what you need and clean everything that is only occupying a space that should be free.

Never stop surprising you

They laugh at you because you are surprised in circumstances that others consider should not be extraordinary because “you are old.” This is a mistake, an attempt to imprison you. Don’t hide your ability to fascinate yourself, even with the little things.

Keep daydreaming, traveling, and getting to know yourself more. People live pigeonholed in what is “right” and acceptable to others. However, haven’t you felt the freedom it gave you to leave that secure job for one that truly filled you? Doing what makes you happy is what will allow you to be a free person.

We are all afraid of going off the path that others have set for us, so they can even reward us if we follow it. Our beliefs, what is right or wrong, what they instill in us as good ways of doing things, marks us.

However, being free is very different for some and for others. Today you have the possibility of becoming one. Do you dare to take the first step?


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