Worry, Anxiety’s Best Friend

Worry, anxiety's best friend

Worry is the true core of anxiety. Once it has started there is no human way to stop it. This emotion is as harmful as anger or anger, because it wears us down little by little and, sometimes, it also paralyzes us. In addition, it has a great impact on our health, since our body tenses and we feel much more restless and upset.

It’s true that everyone worries from time to time. It is something natural and totally normal. The big problem arises when that uneasiness begins to affect us. Excessive worrying and taking responsibility for almost everything is one of the biggest problems many people face.

Worry for no reason

Remember that worry has a lot to do with our way of seeing different situations and the way we deal with them. For this reason, there are people who seem to never worry and others, on the other hand, tend to always worry about everything. Is it really any use to be so upset?

Worry can be positive as long as it allows you to reflect on that situation that is tormenting you and you can, finally, resolve it. But if you simply dwell on endless thoughts, nervousness, tension, and anxiety will make an appearance.

boy on a ruined planet

It is true that worry is associated with fear. Therefore, sometimes it is good to stop and think if there is something in our life that we are not doing quite right. Sometimes we are even aware of a situation that we do not like, but as we do not put an end to it, it generates recurring and negative thoughts that can affect our health in the long run.

Concerns have a great mission: to find solutions to possible threats. But, the purpose of them is to carry out those solutions. If we don’t, our mind will keep telling us that we have to solve the problem by generating one concern after another.

This is when these thoughts can put another kind of pressure on you so that you are aware that you can no longer ignore the situation. Dizziness, pain in different parts of the body, anxiety, tachycardia, can start to appear for no reason. But, you know they do. Now is the time to take action.

For all this, we want to share with you some simple steps that you can start to carry out to stop worrying excessively. As we have said, it is time to take action, to stop thinking so much and start acting:

  • Write what worries you : You may not value the act of writing everything that goes through your mind, but when you do, you will discover that it is like a balm for you. In addition, writing will allow you to put all those thoughts in order so that you can see things more clearly.
  • Ask yourself questions : when we worry we need to ask ourselves some questions, such as whether it is in our hands to solve the situation that is affecting us so much. If you find that there is nothing you can do, then it is time to stop worrying.
  • What you have to do, do it today : if you think about what you have to do to solve that problem that torments you, but you always put it off, your worries will increase. Remember the proverb: “Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
  • Lean on those you love the most : now is the time to entrust your concerns to those you trust the most. They can make you see the situation differently and will help you clear your mind.
  • Think about the advantages : even if a circumstance scares you to face it, think that there can be nothing worse than worry and everything that it is causing you. It is terrifying to face a situation that we do not know how will be resolved. In spite of that, think about the advantages for you, about the great weight you will get rid of.

It is good to worry, but take care that it does not become a constant in your life. When anxiety knocks on your door, it is warning you that something is wrong. It is time, then, to ask ourselves why we are not doing something about it.

woman masks

Standing still and worrying is not a valid solution. Talk to the people you love the most, write and do your best to face the problem once and for all. Even if it scares you, think that all this will get worse if you don’t stop it. Don’t you think it’s better to take the risk? After all, you have nothing to lose …

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