What Satisfies The Soul Is The Truth

What satisfies the soul is the truth

Telling a lie or not telling the truth in order not to harm a person or to hide a reality, is something that has happened to all of us throughout our lives. We fear hurting someone, we are ashamed of what others might think, and we refuse to show our feelings.

But when we do not tell the truth or do not tell the whole truth, something inside us twists, reminds us that we are not being honest with ourselves, we feel that something is wrong. Perhaps lying is just as negative as not telling the truth. Sometimes we hide our real age, or our level in a language, or in more important aspects such as our feelings.

The fear of telling the truth

Many times we are afraid to tell the truth out of fear of what others may think, but that reason can sink us into a reality that is not ours, it can turn us into a person that we are not really.

Woman's face made of flowers

Honesty is one of the basic characteristics to relate to other people and it is essential to take care of it and respect it, that it distinguishes us and accompanies us in all our actions and words.

We must not forget that fear is an emotion that prevents us from facing a potentially dangerous situation, but like any emotion it can be managed and controlled by ourselves. Neuroscientists have wondered if fear is simply a defense mechanism against psychosocial alarms, prompting us to forget and hide what we know to be true.

The courage to tell the truth

Telling the truth is really an act of courage on some occasions, it is speaking from the heart and saying what we really think, not hiding under false pretenses. Being brave means looking another person in the eye and telling them that we love them, or that we no longer love them, making our soul and our heart beat at the same time before words that arise from the depths of our being.

When we tell the truth we undress before others, we show ourselves as we are and that can be scary, but it is not possible to hide for long under false cloaks, under invented appearances.

If you make a mistake, ask for forgiveness

We have all made mistakes throughout our lives when trying to protect another person, for example, and we have hidden the truth, but somehow, the truth always ends up being known and our mistake will be known. In those cases, ask for forgiveness, be honest and you will feel comforted and valued.

To make mistakes is human, it is done without intention, and all we have to achieve is to learn the lesson and prevent it from happening again. It is about reflecting on what happened and being honest with ourselves and with others.

The benefits of telling the truth

A study carried out by researchers from the American University of Notre Dame revealed that the average number of lies that Americans verbalize per week is 11 lies. For 10 weeks they analyzed the responses of 110 people to certain situations.

Half of the people were trained to tell fewer lies, and that group was the one who, according to psychology professor Anita E. Kelly, showed improvements in their health. These improvements consisted of less tension and a lower number of headaches and sore throats.

Woman with closed eyes alone

Why do we lie

In general, people lie for three reasons, to adapt to a hostile environment, to avoid punishment and to get rewards or win something. For example, sometimes there are people who lie about some professional ability to get a job, so they lie to get an award, other times, people lie when they feel attacked, to get accepted.

We must not forget that lies have a direct relationship with self-esteem. We lie when our ego is threatened or when we want to take advantage of a situation. In this context, lying is a defense mechanism, a weapon for survival. But in all cases, it is necessary to differentiate those who feel guilt and remorse and those who do not feel anything and end up believing in their own deception.

The truth always comes to light

We must not forget that what we hide, what we do not say, will always come to light in one way or another. The truth always finds a way to become real, to manifest itself, because it is the truth that satisfies the soul, that exalts it and makes it free.

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