What Excuses Do The Unproductive Use?

What excuses do the unproductive use?

Whether they are employees or freelancers, they say (or believe) their sayings not to do certain tasks or activities. They spend all day walking around the office, chatting with others or cleaning drawers. All to not work properly.

But what is worse and what we must endure if we have an “unproductive” next to us are their complaints and laments that they launch into the air when “they cannot fulfill their workload”. These are not people who have a long to-do list, but procrastination or unwillingness to get things done makes this person always behind schedule, against the clock, stressed, etc.

Have you ever made one of the following typical unproductive excuses? Pay attention, you may not have realized your habits and you can change them to be more effective, even if you do not like what you have to do:

-In the first place of this ranking we could place the typical phrase. What a novelty! Most people in an office have many tasks to do, but not all complain about it. Unfortunately, or not, we live in an age where schedules are always packed and we find it difficult to meet our obligations.

However, the big difference between an unproductive person and an excellent worker is that the latter does not complain or complain, he simply does what he has to do. This is not to say that you do not think of your task load, but not as a regret, but as a warning to your brain. So you are always ready for action.

Second, it is common to hear someone unproductive say that. We all know what our roles are, although at certain times we can give a hand to whoever is in front of us, just to help them or to achieve the same goal together.

The funny thing is that those who are not very productive will be the first to “blame” that they are working more than necessary or that they are supplanting a colleague in their work. In opposition to this personality are those who are flexible and generous and who have no problem collaborating with their colleagues.

The third of the typical excuses is a phrase that you have surely heard (or even said) more than once: “I’ll finish it tomorrow.” Prolonging tasks, waiting until the last moment before office time to finish a report, starting with a part of one thing and “jumping” to another of which a small portion is also done, letting yourself be interrupted for trifles or opening and closing tabs on the computer … All this is a waste of time that will never be recovered.

“I do not have all the information available” is a very frequent excuse among those who do not have productivity as a virtue. That is, until they have all the necessary material they do not start a task. It is true that sometimes this is necessary because otherwise the work remains unfinished, but this is not always the case. Productive people, on the other hand, work on their projects and add details as they incorporate new elements.

The lack of independence (or the excuse behind this lack), results in many unproductive people saying “I’ll wait for my boss to arrive so he can tell me how to continue.” In this way, if the superior is ill or just shows up at the office at noon, the unproductive employee will do nothing for several hours. An expeditious salaryman, on the other hand, will begin to do what is within his power and will not be afraid to give his distinctive touch to what he undertakes.

And finally, an excuse that also hides a fear of failure, is the one that indicates “I do not understand all the variables.” That is, the employee does not start a task until he knows 100% of the elements that compose it. This not only makes it take longer, but the results are not as expected.

There is nothing wrong with consulting something that is not understood, but neither can you always work in an ideal or perfect condition, where “everything is served on a tray”.

Where are the challenges then? A good way to avoid this is to understand the progress or step by step of what is being done.

Do you think you star in some of these typical excuses of unproductive people? Why do you think you lack a bit of commitment or are you delaying the completion of tasks? This is a good time for you to analyze it!

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