This Is How A Scammer Manipulates You

This is how a scammer manipulates you

A scammer is someone astute, with the ability to spot weaknesses and opportunities where others don’t see them. Manipulation strategies towards potential victims are not new; on the contrary, they are rather old and proven: hence their effectiveness. It is still curious that, despite the fact that many of its methods are known, even so, hundreds of people continue to bite the bait.

The scammer not only wants to profit from his deception. At times, he also takes pleasure in scamming and involving unsuspecting or naive people with his tricks. This gives you a feeling of superiority and fuels your ego. Next we will talk about the most common methods of the typical scammer, so that you do not become the next victim.

Techniques used by a scammer

Let’s start with three typical examples. A girl walks down the sidewalk, in the middle of the crowd. She is holding a gift-wrapped box in her hands. Suddenly, he bumps into a man and the package falls to the ground, making the same sound that something delicate makes when it breaks.

The woman, between sobs, says that it was a birthday present for her father and that she does not have more money to replace it. The man feels guilty, excuses himself, takes out $50 and gives it to him. The thymus is repeated several times during the day with different victims.

fantasy man with blue skin representing a scammer

Now a classic, in which three scammers participate. A woman waits at the bus stop, a young man walks by and throws an ink-like liquid at her. Another woman approaches the victim, feigning concern and solidarity with what happened. In the confusion of the moment, a second man takes the wallet with the victim’s belongings and flees. Everything happens in just an instant.

Sometimes our credulity becomes the great ally of these criminals. For example, when we are visited by companies that provide energy services, telephony, cable TV, etc., and we do not verify whether such a visit is scheduled and authorized. Thus, we begin to suspect deception, only when we notice that our belongings are missing.

Vulnerability versus critical sense

Countless studies on human behavior reveal that a good part of the people are vulnerable to the opinion of the majority. Even if you think differently about something, you end up doing what that majority dictates. A typical example is found on the Internet, when a product is offered that is attributed characteristics that it does not have and is supported by a multitude of false testimonials that induce us to buy.

In other cases, our ethical coherence is compromised and we are afraid to denounce what is illegal. For example, when we want to go to a concert or a football match and we find that the tickets are already sold out. We resort to resellers, who scam us by selling us a fake ticket. We do not report it for fear of having been banned and complicit with the scammer.

In other cases, criminals prey on people’s needs. It is clear that the economic crisis is global and in these situations it is logical that we look for better job opportunities. It is when we find skillfully created and apparently serious employment options, in which they ask us for a certain amount of money for the different procedures and everything turns out to be a lie.

Man sitting on a chair


The “Nigerian scam” is another form of fraud. It usually works like an email that reaches us. The message deludes the recipient with a supposed fortune, which will be accessed by paying a certain amount of money in advance. The unwary fall easily and in some cases the victims are implicated in crimes related to money laundering, which implies extra harm.

As a suggestion

The methods used by scammers to deceive their victims almost always require us to facilitate the situation in which the scam occurs . They are always attentive. So what we must avoid is being distracted, not objectively analyzing the supposed opportunities, not taking into account that under states of pressure or need we are more vulnerable, believing that what happens to others will not happen to us, etc.

to buy online

There is a golden rule not to be scammed: it is very rare to win something that you have not tried hard to win. Do not believe in the raffles in which you were the winner, without having bought the veracity of said raffle. Do not believe in the inheritances that unknown and distant people left you. Whenever you come into contact with a stranger, on the phone or on the street, do not give them all your trust.

Likewise, Internet fraud is becoming more and more frequent, for this reason we must be more cautious and buy from recognized trusted sites. Verify that the website we enter is the official one and not a copy. Do not neglect our credit cards, as well as disclose our security codes or respond to unknown emails. In case of doubts, verify the origin of what they offer us and, if necessary, notify the authorities.

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