These 5 Gestures Damage The Image You Project To Others

These 5 gestures harm the image you project to others

We all know that gestures and postures reveal a lot about someone’s personality , attitude, or mood. Without realizing it, each one of us is adopting ways of looking, walking, standing in front of others. We incorporate them and they end up being part of our own style, which sometimes “gives us away” and shows what we do not want to show.

There are social situations in which the deal is fleeting and ephemeral. Others form an idea of ​​us that is partly conscious and partly not. They create an opinion based on what we say, but also another based on what we express through our gestures and postures.

This wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that many of those short-lived occasions are also of great significance. It may be the case of a job interview or a specific meeting to establish contacts that interest us. Also, why not, those situations in which we want to please someone who interests us affectively and we want the other to get a pleasant and positive feeling from us from the episode.

For these bowls it is worth learning to recognize our gestures and decipher what they express. It is also important that we manage to polish them so that they play in our favor in the situations that warrant it. To achieve this, we will immediately see those gestures that harm us and that it would be good to recreate.

1. Biting the lower lip, one of the gestures that give away

By biting the lower lip, in one way or another, you communicate a degree of rejection by what comes out of your mouth. Without you or others being aware of it, it is one of the gestures that will be interpreted as doubt, or falsehood in front of what you are saying.

woman who dies her lip in a gesture of innocence

This gesture also indicates that there is a hidden message. Usually people say “I bit my lip not to talk about this or that.” It is a correct interpretation. When you make this gesture, you denote that there is something that you are keeping quiet and that contradicts what was said to some degree.

2. Frown constantly

A frown is a sign of anger, annoyance, or rejection. The truth is that it is one of the gestures that in most cases is adopted by simple tension. However, there are those who do it so frequently that they end up sculpting it on their face.

When there is fear or nervousness, they frown. In addition, it can communicate a lack of confidence in both the other and yourself. We also frown when we want to sharpen our observation or when we adopt a defensive position.

3. Blink frequently and quickly

It is one of the most difficult gestures to control, since it is an almost automatic reaction to situations that cause nervousness. The normal thing is to blink 14 to 17 times per minute. But when we are nervous that number increases significantly.

Man winking

The worst thing is that when we begin to blink a lot and quickly, the attention of our interlocutor is focused on this curious gesture. It is easy for him to stop listening to what we are saying and focus instead on that lack of security that we express with our eyes.

4. Hide your hands when you speak

The hands are pure expression. They emphasize, evade, punctuate or complement what you say. That is why when a person talks and moves their hands a lot, they are perceived by others as more spontaneous and trustworthy. Generate the feeling of sincerity.

On the other hand, when someone hides their hands when they speak, they communicate the opposite. It’s like he’s hiding something. It is not convenient to put your hands behind you, put them in your pockets, hide them under the desk or cross your arms. If you do, you are creating a communication barrier.

5. Don’t smile or laugh all the time

The smile is, without a doubt, one of the gestures that opens the most hearts. When someone smiles at you, without realizing it, it helps you to positively dispose yourself in the conversation. This is a great precedent for dialogue to be positive, calm, and friendly.

laughing boy

However, when a person is smiling or laughing all the time, the effect can be adverse. In that case what is expressed is nervousness, lack of concentration or excessive desire to be accepted. This message is not positive, but it becomes an obstacle for them to value you properly.

In all these cases  it is not a question of adopting a false or make-up identity. Quite the opposite. Through gestures, a person can get to know himself a lot. Thus, by becoming aware of the way you are communicating with others, through your body language you can adjust the message that you really want to express about yourself.

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