There Is Nothing Impossible

Look in the mirror, you are your greatest enemy and the person who limits you the most. When you begin to understand that the limit is truly within us, you begin to discover a new world full of infinite possibility. Let’s see how.
There is nothing impossible

There is nothing impossible. If you think otherwise, you will find yourself all your life unable to move, to create, to evolve, to see your dreams come true, to be happy, to have everything you always imagined. If you believe that something is impossible, you will never achieve anything and you will not see your dreams come true.

The impossible as they say, only takes a little longer to arrive, as long as you insist on trying and striving. You have to want to do it and get it. You have to put all your effort and launch yourself, with fear or without fear, but direct yourself towards it. Otherwise, you will never know the results.

Believe in the impossible

If we can believe in the impossible, we will make it come true. The only way that human beings know to advance in their life, seek success and be themselves, is by believing in everything that seems unattainable and unrealizable. Otherwise, we will never achieve anything, and we will be left at the gates of everything.

What do you think Bill Gates or Steve Jobs would have told you a few years ago, when they were just two young guys with enthusiasm? They believed in themselves, in their abilities to pull off and their willpower and talent to make their dream come true. And they succeeded.

There is nothing impossible

However, you don’t have to go that far. In our own daily lives we have examples of how much we believe to be impossible and do not even dare to think. There are hundreds of people who live insubstantial, anodyne and unhappy existence, who dream of overcoming themselves and getting out of the labyrinth in which they find themselves, but they are not capable because they do not believe in the impossible.

If everything in your life is stress, regret, pain or unhappiness, do not think that getting out of there is impossible, because it is the first step to do nothing. You will make excuses for not moving. You will tell yourself that this way you are more secure, that in this way you are accepted by society, that loneliness is much worse, that you do what you have to do … but in reality you are scared and are unable to react, believe in yourself and make it achievable the impossible.

Forget the fear of failure

There is only one type of person who never fails, and they are the ones who take no chances. Those beings who believe that the impossible is unrealizable and remain living an existence of false security, will never screw up, they will not be wrong, but they will not drink the sweet honeys of success, happiness and seeing the challenges and goals overcome.

The beings that are not capable of making the impossible come true are identifiable. There is in them a great fear of failure. Envy corrodes them because they are incapable of taking risks, and they feel resentment towards those who do dare. You will hear them criticizing and insulting, but, in reality, they are insubstantial, they are terrified, they have forgotten their dreams and do not know how to react, so they hide in the security offered by the mob.

Dandelion balloon

If you believe in the impossible, don’t get carried away by the enraged crowd that tells you how to act, what your goals should be, what goals you have to set for yourself and what your limit is. We must not think about where the borders are, but how to overcome them.

A person with dreams is capable of making the impossible come true. He is not scared by a failure and what they will say, and he gets up again and again until his goal is achieved. And, once achieved, he seeks new goals that constantly test his limits and capabilities, because only then does he feel alive and happy.

People who believe in the impossible move the world

If you look back, how many people do you see who have believed in the impossible and succeeded because of it? Before we talked about Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, but they are not the only ones. Hypatia of Alexandria, Galileo Galilei, Marie Curieā€¦ so many people have believed in themselves and in the unrealizable for thousands of years that it is incredible to think of something different.

There is nothing impossible

Never forget it. Don’t stop dreaming because you think it’s impossible. You have the strength, talent and resources to make what you want in your life come true. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t, because it’s not real. Human beings are capable of always giving the best of ourselves to achieve the unattainable.

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