The Sun, Guardian Of Our Positive Emotions

How do you feel today? Do you think your day is a little gray? If you can, go out and sunbathe. It will brighten your day and spirit. We tell you why this is possible.
The Sun, guardian of our positive emotions

It is said that sunny days put us in a better mood. The sun not only gives us beautiful days, allowing us to do outdoor activities or be spectators of incredible landscapes, it directly affects our well-being. Rather, it directly affects the mood.

Although light has long been used to treat mood-related disorders, until now it was not clear what the mechanism was. The answer is that light can make us feel better because it helps regulate circadian rhythms, as well as certain neurotransmitters.

The sun brightens our days and our surroundings

In addition to giving us that light in our walk, which serves us in our favor, it is thanks to him that those beautiful flowers grow and those trees shine with an extraordinary green. In short, the sun helps us to have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful landscapes that are seldom appreciated in our eyes.

They are those opportunities that life offers us so that we can enjoy them. Enjoying the landscapes and the sun on your face makes us feel better.

Source of vitamins

Vitamin D is known for its ability to help the body absorb calcium. But in addition, it has been found to regulate an enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin. As is well known, this neurotransmitter regulates mood and intervenes in brain development. Well, there are two ways to get vitamin D: through foods such as tuna, salmon, or mackerel, and through sunlight. Thus, experts recommend sunbathing for approximately 15 minutes, three times a week, to produce the necessary vitamin D.

The state of mind

As mentioned above, vitamin D plays a key role in the production of serotonin. And this is the engine that regulates our mood. Thus, vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of suffering from depression by 75%. Therefore, in the Nordic countries, scarce sunlight is considered a risk factor and it is recommended that its inhabitants take vitamin supplements to reduce cognitive deterioration, muscle and bone pain, and even to reduce the risk of suicide.

In this sense, an Australian research team published a study in which they analyzed the levels of serotonin, and other neurotransmitters, depending on the seasons of the year and the amount of sunlight. In this study they found that the brain quickly adapts to the sunlight it perceives that same day. That is, the light of the previous day does not influence.

Thus, the results indicated that serotonin production was related to the amount and duration of bright light, responding quickly if the brightness did too. So much so that production was multiplied up to eight times compared to cloudy and dark days. However, the effect is not cumulative, but immediate and beneficial on the day they had been exposed.

So, in summer we are happier? Well, according to these same researchers, serotonin levels in winter are lower. Being  seven times greater in summer than in winter. Therefore, yes, it can be said that in summer we gather better conditions to be happy.

More benefits

Although it is already a lot, that the sun makes us happier is not all. In addition, sunbathing often brings us other health benefits. For example, it improves the quality of the blood, since it increases the production of red blood cells and, therefore, the ability to move oxygen throughout the body. It improves our immune system, blood pressure, skin (with protection!) And regulates hormones. In addition, it intervenes in circadian rhythms and in the production of melatonin, making our sleep maintain the natural rhythm and that we rest well.

In short, the sun takes care of us and makes us feel better. So whenever you get a chance (and especially if you’re feeling down), go out and soak up the sun. You will notice its effects immediately and you will keep them throughout the day.

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