Taking Care Of Ourselves Comes First, Otherwise No One Will

Taking care of ourselves comes first, otherwise no one will

It is evident that we like to interact with others, that they love us, take care of us and that they share part of their time with us. However, it would be beneficial to understand that it is not a need: the need is to take care of ourselves, love ourselves and know how to be happy for ourselves.

Nobody is really essential for us to be happy or to be able to feel full, although many times we believe it. What others give us, in fact, is something voluntary that is more enriching if it is not expected: those who want to be there, will be there and will take care of us without our asking.

Existence admits no representatives

We are unique and individual so we have different emotions, experiences and ways of interpreting life. For this reason, what we are and what we feel can only be regulated by us: if we want to be taken care of, for example, we must first learn to take care of ourselves.

Bucay said that no one can grow for us and he was not wrong: no person, no matter how much they might love us, will be able to put on our shoes. The highest expectations and the greatest challenges are best posed in one direction: inward.

In this sense, we have before us a large number of opportunities that we can take advantage of and a multitude of decisions to make. Taking care of ourselves means that we will be aware of what can happen to us at any time and have the assurance that maintaining the balance is up to us.

Hands of two people holding a heart

The importance of taking care of ourselves in order to take care of the other

Even when we lose our balance and we have to row against adversity, we will have many people on our side. However, we should not count on it, because surely the number of people that we would think a priori would be there will not be there: some will be missing that we expected and surely some will be added in a surprising way. Thus, we cannot calculate the strength that the people who accompany us can bring us, but ours can.

Sometimes, for example, we have to separate ourselves from someone and we believe that we will not be able to get out of there: we do not conceive the idea that we first have to be for ourselves and then for others, so we feel dependence. However, it is only a mirage: we will have gotten out of there and we will never lack ourselves.

Self-esteem in these cases is essential: believing in ourselves is the first step to overcome any damage or to fully enjoy the joys we find. What’s more, valuing and loving ourselves as we are is essential for others to do as well.

Woman hugging

Loved ones give us life, but we live

When we take care of ourselves and we love each other, it seems that by inertia they love us and take care of us : it gives the feeling that everything is easier and that, on the contrary, it is much more complicated. The truth is that loved ones give us life, but at the end of it all we are alone: ​​alone to do whatever we want with what we have in front of us.

Love, friendship and family give us the warmth that we sometimes lack and support us in any circumstance. However, if there is no heat inside, it will probably still be cold. It is useful to understand that the time we are given is ours, just as the decision on how to use it is exclusive and individual.

For all the aforementioned is why we title the article this way:  if I don’t take care of myself, nobody will do it for me. I have the obligation to cultivate my personal self and make it grow, to realize its dreams and overcome its defeats, to look for what makes me happy and to make the decision to share it with whoever shows me that I love that privilege.

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