Oratory, The Art Of Enjoying Communicating

Public speaking, the art of enjoying communicating

One of the best qualities to succeed in life and achieve the desired personal fulfillment is undoubtedly knowing how to communicate. However, having a good public speaking does not only imply having a wide vocabulary or multiple knowledge. Because wisdom is useless if it does not know how to transmit it. Mastering the word is, above all and in a pragmatic sense, using it to convey a message effectively.

We have all faced these situations on more than one occasion. Having to make an exhibition at the university, present a project to a work team, give a lecture, etc. You can be very competent in your work, but those who do not know how to communicate cannot reflect all their worth, their innovative ideas and, in essence, their professionalism.

The ability to speak effectively is an essential tool on a day-to-day basis. Thanks to her, we will be able to perceive ourselves as competent people. Because whoever manages to influence with his word, creating impact, and at the same time, reflecting everything that is inside him, trusts himself much more to function authentically in his social, emotional and work environments. Let’s see it in detail.


Public speaking: the ability to enjoy while communicating

Within the wonderful universe of effective communication, the art of public speaking stands out above all. A good speaker is, above all, someone with good self-esteem. Only when we trust ourselves and our abilities to the point of fully enjoying the speech will we be able to instill that same confidence in the audience . It is powerful and very rewarding.

However, such well-known enemies as stage fright, shyness, anxiety, tremors, or cold sweat, have the power to completely ruin our oratory. We all know it and  have suffered it at some time.

So what do the most prestigious speakers do to achieve success in their work?

What are the characteristics that differentiate successful speakers? We will tell you about them below:

  • The good speaker captures and holds attention.
  • The person who masters the art of public speaking is perceived as effective, enjoys communicating and knows how to connect with his audience.
  • The person who controls communication knows that the word is the molecular element of the message and is aware of its power, if only because of how constant we are when using it. Not just in a classroom, a workroom, or a conference room.
  • To communicate well there are rules, hierarchies and a specific order that the good speaker knows.
  • Whoever understands the skills of public speaking manages to create an impact, and he does so because he knows the mechanisms to sensitize and reach his audience.
  • The good speaker controls rhetoric and staging.
  • The art of enjoying communicating is achieved by consolidating one’s own personality. Developing self-awareness, self-esteem and that security with which one finally delights in his being to convey his thoughts to others.

Public speaking as an effective tool for life

Public speaking is not exclusive to top executives or political circles. Being a good speaker is a skill that makes it easier to build communication bridges in different contexts. Communication channels that are optimized by the effective speaker and from which he takes full advantage of them.

Communicating effectively is being able to break down internal barriers. It is overcoming the fence of shyness, fear and insecurities to leave a mark. Because we cannot forget that a good speaker transmits credibility and trust, two strategic dimensions to earn respect in our work or in any environment in which we operate.

All this justifies, without a doubt, the importance of mastering this personal resource so useful in today’s society, which is in turn so complex and demanding. Thus, we encourage you not to miss this opportunity and delve a little deeper into the subject.

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