One Of The Best Feelings Is Knowing That They Love You

One of the best feelings is knowing that they love you

Knowing that they love you is one of the best feelings you can have. It is reconfortable. Energizing, I would say. Who want to see you and talk to you, who are interested in how you are, who have a sincere interest based on true appreciation. That is wonderful.

Sometimes, when it seems that nothing can be worse, that PERSON arrives and rescues you with a call, a caress or a look. On other occasions, a quick message or an affectionate greeting that reminds you that you are loved is enough to keep you afloat.

Knowing that we are present in someone’s mind, that they care about us and that we are capable of awakening emotions and feelings in someone is our best float, a lifeline that brings out, without a doubt, our best smile.

Woman hugging her partner

The love of others is a lifeline

There is a passage from a novel by Paul Auster, “The Palace of the Moon” , which perfectly defines what we feel when the love of others rescues us from the well into which we have fallen and from which we cannot get out:

“At that time I was ignorant of it, of course, but knowing what I know now, it is impossible for me to ignore those days without feeling a wave of nostalgia for my friends. In a sense, that alters the reality of what I experienced.

I had jumped from the edge of the cliff and just when I was about to hit the bottom, an extraordinary event happened: I learned that there were people who loved me. Being loved that way changes everything.

It doesn’t lessen the terror of the fall, but it gives you a new perspective on what that terror means. I had jumped off the edge and then, at the last moment, something caught me in the air. That something is what I define as love.

It is the only thing that can stop a man’s fall, the only thing powerful enough to override the laws of gravity. “

As we see in this wonderful definition, the love of those around us is our float, the lifeline that keeps us safe even when we are drowning and it seems that nothing has a remedy.

Moons crying

Sincere love does not know selfishness and stays away from interests

The sincere interest of those who love us does not know selfishness. That is something that is palpable in the small details, that enchants us and that keeps us connected with our emotional and relational world.

A world in which we sometimes live so alien that we forget that, as Maslow already postulated, we cannot meet needs or expectations if we do not have love, affiliation and the bond with those around us as part of the base.

Whatever the premises that keep us going, we are lame when we do not feel that someone cares about us. Thus, when we do not have the presence of someone to help us feel, we feel sad and abandoned.

Hands together with a butterfly

Our references, the people who care about us

We need to relate and feed our roots to continue growing and for our branches to sprout beautiful leaves that symbolize love, health and prosperity. For our self-esteem and our emotional balance it is essential to have references, pillars on which we can lean on in a bad moment or put on the gala dress to dance without an umbrella in the rain of joy.

That they love us even when we have made a mistake, that it seems incredible to us that the darkness is put aside, that they know our most imperfect version and keep us by their side, that they keep us, that they take care of us, that they give us a sigh.

Couple embracing looking at the horizon

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