Love Is The Best Medicine For Wounded Hearts

Love is the best medicine for wounded hearts

Love is the deepest, most intense and expansive feeling that we can experience in our day to day. It moves millions of people in all parts of the world. It helps us heal our emotional wounds and rebuild after we are hurt and our wounded hearts are touched.

It does not necessarily have to be the love of a couple, but love in all its manifestations: self-love, parental love, friend’s love, etc. Feeling recognized and accepted by others helps us rebuild our hearts and feel accompanied after they hurt us.

Strong self-esteem can help us recover more easily when we are hurt and our hearts are damaged. Self-love is a good medicine for those moments where we see obstacles in the way and heal our wounded hearts. Taking care of ourselves instead of torturing ourselves is a good recipe to be better when we feel betrayed by others.

What is love and what is it for?

When we talk about love, we are not only talking about romantic love, but about love as a whole. Love invites us to socialize and expands our ability to relate.  Normally it produces a pleasant and well-being feeling towards others. It is a powerful feeling that helps us make deep connections with the people we hold dear.

Girlfriends hugging after a long time

Allow us to develop empathy, tolerance and compassion in its purest form. It is an emotion that makes us feel so comfortable that it resembles a drug, because when it is finished, we usually want more. Love, according to neuroscience, is a psychophysiological reaction that our body produces by secreting neurotransmitters at the brain level such as oxytocin, vasopressin or dopamine.

These hormones help us to develop feelings of pleasure, euphoria, satisfaction and fulfillment.  At the brain level, specific areas are activated that help to link us, promoting behaviors on a social and emotional level with the people around us.

Wounded hearts are capable of mending themselves

We have all had our hearts broken at some time. It can be, from a partner who hurts us, to a friend of the soul who disappoints us. The emotion is sad, as if we were empty, feeling that our heart is destroyed in a thousand pieces and with it the backbone of our emotional balance.

Imagine that your best friend stops calling you because he has met someone and no longer has time to meet you. How will you feel? Surely betrayed and hurt, without understanding the reason for his reaction. Despite the pain that heartbreak causes us, we are able to rebuild our hearts, just like the phoenix rising from its ashes.

Heart puzzle

Our heart is able to emerge stronger from adversity. This characteristic is called resilience, the ability we have to adapt positively to difficult circumstances we encounter. It doesn’t matter if life hits us hard, we can also learn from the painful. It’s just a matter of looking at our history from another perspective.

Self-love is the thread that sews the wound

Self-love is the foundation on which we begin to recover after a relationship important to us is broken. In this sense, the ability to accept ourselves with our defects and our virtues allows us to be more loving and compassionate, both with ourselves and with others.

For example, imagine that you accept yourself as you are, you feel comfortable with your physical appearance and with your interior. In this way, it will be easier for you to face a love breakup. That doesn’t take away the pain of loss, which we all experience when there is a person or situation that is leaving. But at least  you will have more strength to rebuild your wounded heart once you have been through the grief. 

Woman hugging

Saying goodbye to what is no longer in our lives is often difficult because we feel a lot of sadness and pain. These emotions can give us the wrong impression that our hearts are going to be broken forever. However,  if we dare to give way to this pain, scars will remain, but our wounded hearts will heal. 

Only brave people ask for help

Do not feel inferior if you need someone to help you, because it is the most normal thing in the world. When we are in a grieving process, we probably need to lean on those people we trust the most.  Talk to the people around you and let them give you their support. People who love you can help you put your story back together, so that you can definitively close the chapter to open another.

You get stronger when you don’t carry your pain alone and you can share it with those you trust. Expressing your wounds makes your heart fill with scars of pride, which say : -I have gone through this difficult situation and I have managed to overcome it.  On some occasions it is possible that, if it is difficult for you to get to this point, you need the help of a psychologist to get a new perspective on your life.

Ultimately, heartbreak and wounded hearts heal with self-love and surrounding yourself with the people you care about. Your heart will eventually rebuild, getting stronger. Accept your pain so that sadness can become illusion again. You will need time and with that time you will also have to grant a new opportunity: to you and to others.

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