Keys To Concentrating When Working From Home

Working from home or teleworking is a modality that can be both comfortable and productive, if we know how to take advantage of it. Now, how to do it well if we are not used to it?
Keys to concentrating when working from home

On the other hand, those who are not used to this modality, have some concerns about it and may, trying to fulfill their tasks, make some mistakes. However, with some keys it is possible to solve this. Let’s see them below.

Girl doing online therapy

Working from home: a challenge for concentration

It is important to bear in mind that working from home does not always imply an idyllic panorama of loneliness, maximum concentration, creativity, agility and productivity. In many cases, concentration fails, there is noise or agitation around.

Keys to work from home, without losing the thread

Regardless of whether we are used to working from home or not, it is good for all of us to know and put into practice some keys to have a good organization, take advantage of time and increase 

  • To prioritize, we can make a first distinction: which tasks are urgent, which are important and, thirdly, which are the ones that can wait. 
  • In addition, it is very important to organize the day to day. D
  • Keeping an agenda to make the list of tasks with spaces for each activity can help us.

Another of the basic keys to working from home, without losing the thread, is to pay attention to the place we choose to install ourselves.

3. Establish a work schedule

The hours can be the same as we have in the office or at the workplace. It should be noted that this would be the most convenient, especially if we are not used to teleworking, since it brings us closer to the routine outside the home.

However, we must be vigilant and ensure that the schedule that we establish does not exceed the daily workday. This is because, as we have the tools at hand, we may have a greater tendency to be connected for longer than we should.

We can relativize things to better approach Christmas.

To improve our ability to concentrate, 

  • We can concentrate for 1 minute on breathing. If we disconnect nothing happens, we go back to the breath and focus only on it.
  • On the other hand, we can choose an object in the house and focus our attention only on its contemplation for a couple of minutes.
  • We can also look for the differences between two identical images, solve sudoku puzzles, word searches, etc.

As we have seen, working from home is not an idyllic landscape, but it is not an impossible mission if we know how to put some keys into practice.

In the learning process, it is important that we allow ourselves to make mistakes, take note and try to do better next time. After all, it is always possible to improve.

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