Ignoring Your Injuries Is A Mistake

Ignoring your wounds is a mistake

We all have wounds, but none are the same. Some wounds are successfully overcome, while others need a little more time to heal. It is not a single variable that includes them in one group or another, however there are some that are more common than others. One of the most frequent in the care we pay, precisely, to the wound.

We should already have internalized that ignoring is not usually the best option, covering the wound as it occurs usually causes it -as it happens with the physical ones- to become infected. Sooner or later, the wound surfaces and bleeds again. It is true that if we wash it and expose it at the beginning it will bother us more, but it will also heal much sooner.

Time won’t heal your wounds

woman trapped by a tree suffering from her injuries

“Time will heal your wounds” is a lie that they always tell us, because time really does not heal anything if you have not applied the necessary care to the wound first. It is clear that time is an ally, but as long as the wound is well closed.

How do I know the wound is closed? When you no longer have the need to blame anything, when everything is discussed and resolved, when you do not harbor resentment, your wound will have closed. You will know when you are ready to take that time, because you will know that a door has been closed.

But, taking time as something that will undoubtedly heal your wounds is not the best. Surely we have an example in our life experience, a moment in which we have tried to ignore the pain because of the fear that it caused us to face it or thinking that it was unimportant. However, we have also seen how ignoring a situation makes it go further and how the cure has been much more expensive in the end than the one we feared at the beginning.

When you let time pass, you have only covered that wound with a plaster so as not to see it bleed. But, you know that she’s bleeding, that you should heal her better. As it hurts, you try to cover it as it may, trusting that time will do its thing. You are in a serious error.

Distraction causes the same thing as time. It keeps us busy while we cover up or put aside what makes us suffer so much. But what happens when you find yourself alone? What happens when you have no plans to distract yourself with?

Distraction only stuns us, while in our innermost self we know that we are suffering, that it hurts. Think that the distraction is momentary and that sooner or later the pain will come back to us again.

These are beliefs that they instill in us, perhaps because when we are distracted, other people see us well, we can even have fun! The problem comes later, when all that distraction is over.

Don’t get distracted, face your pain. Nobody likes to face something that hurts, but it is better to do it now than to prolong it so that it comes out when you least expect it. Now is the time. Heal your wound.

You have to be strong

Of course you have and must be strong. Sometimes some people say that what affects the heart hurts more than the physical. It is normal. A physical pain does not affect us emotionally, an emotional or sentimental pain does.

You can be strong. You can be strong to endure and not let yourself be carried away by the temptation of distractions and time, because you know that this is not the best way out and that when the pain returns it will be even worse.

Have they never told you never leave for tomorrow what you can do today? Well, you can apply it in this sense. If you can close that door today, do it. Don’t put it off until tomorrow for fear of “maybe …” or “maybe …”.

There are no assumptions here. It is clear that we always harbor hope and that is why it is so difficult for us to let go of the traps of time and distraction. But is it any use? In the end, you know what the outcome of everything is going to be.

fantasy man with blue skin

It is important that you stay away from everything that is preventing you from sitting down and facing your injury. Every time you look at it it will hurt, when you think about it you will suffer. But do not worry. Be strong and hold on. The pain will last much less if you face it now and don’t put it off. It is time to close your wounds.

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