If Life Gives You Wonderful People It Is Because You Deserve It

If life gives you wonderful people, it is because you deserve it

If life gives you wonderful people, it is because you deserve them, because good things don’t just fall from the sky. You are also an artisan of reciprocity and the bond that is created from the heart, and above all, you care about taking care of everything that is truly worthwhile in your life.

Something that is curious is that with friendship, it happens almost the same as with love: people think they know everything. They see themselves as possessing a doctorate in relationships and mastery of the wisdom of affectivity. However, they are unable to read the disappointment in those extra wrinkles in the eyes of their partners or the apathy of those so-called soul friends, who long ago stopped trusting him or her.

If today we have figures by our side that enrich our lives, it is because we DO understand how those foundations that build respect work, the magic of shared silences or of leaving everything when sorrows assault that face that has so much support for us. transmitted with the look and the words.

There are many exceptional people, but yours are the best and you deserve them.


There are people who are your homeland

It may be your partner, your family, your friends or why not, all of them. People have a personal homeland, a very intimate map where little stories are traced and where the same language is spoken: that of sincere affections, that of emotions that help us grow and heal. That, and we must never forget it, is a country that requires a lot of work.

Friends are not seen as someone who accumulates friendships on a Facebook profile. Friendship, like love, is cared for every day and one worries about nurturing its roots, so that that bond is strong, dignified and capable of facing any storm.


Wonderful people can appear by chance, that is something that we have all experienced at some time, but that they remain by our side is something that only time will tell. We cannot forget that in every country there are battles and differences, in every personal map there are scars and also traces that give light and shape to who we are now.

The love and friendship that these exceptional beings offer us also define ourselves, because we share the same stories, because we have walked the same paths, we know what they are worth and we also deserve them for that.


People that come and go and souls that endure

Something that many sociologists are perceiving is that thanks to social networks, people begin to establish friendships based on common interests. We form groups and subgroups on Facebook where we share experiences, dreams and wishes. Now, many of these friendships are ephemeral or linked only to a very specific type of activity or need.

  • There are friends who come and go, lasting as long as a work contract, as long as a month’s rent or as long as our patience through WhatsApp lasts. Since getting along with everyone is not an obligation, there are friendships that simply end up mutating their skin into needy indifference.
  • Extraordinary people come as you get to know yourself better and realize that you have formed a homeland, that your people are your territory and that investing in them is investing in life, health and your own destiny.

Some people say that “I do not deserve the friends or family that I have” , but it is a mistake. We deserve them because we value them, because we take care of them and because we want them by our side just as they are. In all its essence, in all its magic.

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