I Think I Finally Understood Emotional Intelligence

I think I finally understood that emotional intelligence

Possibly it would be pretentious if someone with such bluntness could say, “I think I finally understood that about emotional intelligence”; Because perhaps emotional intelligence or the way we manage our feelings and emotions in a positive and effective way is a long road that never ends.

Although it is true that there are people who are born with a predisposition to manage their problems and their emotions in an adequate way to feel emotionally stable, this does not mean that the rest of us mortals must conform to that “You have such a good disposition” … “It is that you know how to handle things so well ”…

Emotional intelligence can be learned

Perhaps, and although we do not believe it, that person that we see so positive, who knows how to solve their problems in an exemplary way, is that they have had no choice but to learn it. Life has put hard tests on him in which he has had no other way than to face them. Problems that you have had to face …

Flower on dry land

But we all have those tools within us, many times, without knowing it … We just have to get down to work … reading about emotional intelligence, observing and learning from other people who naturally possess innate emotional intelligence, can help us learn intelligence emotional. So rest assured, that is emotional intelligence can be learned. You just have to love it hard.

When that happens, when we know that we are little by little learning emotional intelligence, that we begin to take things differently, that we get less angry, that we do not cry over nonsense … we feel as if we had jumped up the steps to heaven as I said the title of a beautiful song that we all have in memory.


How to learn emotional intelligence: 4 golden rules

Imagine that just as we do not have a body or gym muscles or an academic degree because all that takes years and effort, something similar happens with emotional intelligence. It takes your time. How can we learn?

  • Surround yourself with emotionally intelligent people. In this life everything is contagious, without ceasing to do it with a nod to the sense of humor. When we surround ourselves with emotionally intelligent people, we also become somewhat more emotionally intelligent. Do the test!
  • Learn from older people. Older people are a well of wisdom. They have had many experiences and they know what life is like. Not surprisingly, older people have been and continue to be a benchmark in many cultures and civilizations for younger people.
  • Learn at your own pace. Sure you want to have all the emotional intelligence at once, but each of us learn at our own pace. So don’t compare yourself to anyone.
  • Imagine extreme situations in your life and what you would do in those cases. What would you do if you lost your job? How would you act if you saw that you had no choice but to sleep on the street and in a somewhat conflictive area? Imagining as much as you want can take away your fear of a lot of everyday things that you are not able to face, simply because you have not stopped to think how you could overcome them in an emotionally intelligent way.

Moral: Do you want to get stuck and not try to overcome your obstacles because you think they surpass you? Don’t you want to tell yourself: I finally understood that emotional intelligence thing !? Don’t you want to feel inside of you like a powerful force that overwhelms you deeply … that you climbed those steps all at once … towards the sky?

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