I Almost Forgot That I Don’t Love You Anymore

I almost forgot that I don't love you anymore

It was today, after our fleeting and cordial meeting, that I remembered again that I no longer love you. We have lost everything that made us special. The kisses at the red lights, the touch of our hands as we walk together, those goodbye hugs …

Everything that made us build a better world together has disappeared. What we had thought for both of us and for both of us. What we thought we could overcome… In fact, that right now looks down on us to remind us that we weren’t able to.

For a moment I almost forgot what happened. At the moment I reconsider and I realize that we no longer add one, we are just two. The numbers don’t add up to create the magic of seeing one through the other. Not anymore. Although my mind still struggles to get used to the idea and I tried to sweeten my days with the memories of when we were happy …


Even when I cheat myself, I don’t love you anymore. Our history drew its end. I ran out of wanting to continue fighting for something that – perhaps – was not for us. You were not able to draw in me the smile that I wanted to see reflected in you. I don’t love you anymore because you don’t add to my story. I don’t love you anymore because … no, I don’t love you anymore.

Boy walking away from his girl after hearing I don't love you anymore

Everything lived had its moment

When we reconnect with the looks and laugh for something that only the two of us understand; when the language of our gestures appears on the scene or we remember something that we live … maybe there, I forget. You may hesitate and have to come back to reality to accept that everything you’ve experienced had its moment. 

The past had its chance and did not make history. We were a story that he let pass, that we lived with passion without knowing how to ration all the love we felt for each other. Time gave us no truce to realize or make sources of everything that came to us. He let us live 100% both the good and the bad and that is why I no longer love you.

We will continue to meet, we will continue to share moments, but they will not be only ours.  They will no longer be full of love or magic. They will not be part of that path that we started towards something more, something better … They will no longer be something essential in my life. They will be lost in my memory or they will join everything that we lived in the past but that today, are not worth it. Because although sometimes I forget, I no longer love you.

Couple with lights at night

I don’t love you anymore, I don’t love you anymore …

The time to say “I love you” is behind us. The moments that deserved an “I love you” disappeared, as did the gestures that shouted an “I love you” without moving the lips. Only the cordial kisses and friendly greetings remain, those that you can give to anyone when not a hint of feeling emerges.

I almost forgot that I no longer love you when we met… but when you told me that you are walking with another person by your side, I have realized that those kisses already belong to other lips. I almost forgot, but no; I do not love you anymore.

Now I just want you to be happy. Meanwhile, I will keep the little bit of you that still belongs to me. With what we want to give ourselves, with the reduced light that is in your eyes when you look at me, with that alone I am satisfied. Because even without being the owner of your I love you, sometimes I forget that I no longer love you …

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