How To Relax Your Mind And Have More Inner Peace

How to relax your mind and have more inner peace

Having inner peace implies having harmony and emotional well-being, feeling satisfied with yourself despite the daily struggles. But it is not easy to free the mind when we are always busy in a hectic, sometimes overwhelming environment.

Achieving inner peace is for many a hopeless wish. But this does not have to be like this. Small changes and strategies can help you relax your mind and achieve that peace that you need so much and so beneficial is both for you and yours.

However, the path to inner peace is not easy. Achieving inner peace is a process that requires being willing to let go of what is useless and accept all of our emotions. Achieving inner peace involves being willing to discover who you really are and realizing that only you are capable of controlling your emotional responses and reactions.

Set limits

If your life is too saturated you are going to have to set limits. You may have to stop doing some of the less important things. Be honest with yourself and eliminate what you really don’t need. Simplify your life.

On many occasions we strive to carry out more tasks than we really can. One of the first steps to achieve inner peace is to make our life a simple path. The amount of demands and obligations we impose on ourselves is usually proportional to the amount of stress and anxiety. So analyzing and establishing a real hierarchy of what is really important will help us establish healthy limits. In this way, by eliminating the most unnecessary tasks, our mind will be more comfortable and it will affect our well-being.

Find a relaxation technique that works for you

Sitting woman doing meditation

There are multiple effective ways to relax, some of them pretty quick. Find the ones that work for you and apply them. From listening to music to going for a walk or running, to doing yoga or practicing meditation, practicing deep breathing, coloring, etc.

Lama Yeshe (1935-1984), told us about meditation that “the objective is not to suppress thoughts and desires; that’s impossible. […] The only sensible approach is to train ourselves to observe thoughts without following them. When we stop following our thoughts once we become aware of them, we deprive them of their compulsive energy .

The important thing is that you have a wide repertoire of forms of relaxation so that you can apply the one that best interests you at all times. Also,  setting a time in the day to do some activity to relax will help you keep your balance.

Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

Turning small complications into big problems only adds an unnecessary amount of stress to you. Every day you will find problems, some more important than others. But not everyone has to be treated the same. You have to learn to select and not get carried away by the stress generated by everything else.

One of the best ways to make everyday life easier, lighter, more positive, and less stressful is to learn how to avoid creating problems where there are none. But when we are stressed or very busy it is easy to dramatize problems and extrapolate the sense of urgency.

To relax your mind on anything that seems like a problem, ask yourself if it really matters and to whom, if it is relevant enough to remain a problem 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years from now. 

Speed ​​down

Living fast makes our emotions soar, confused. If you slow down your physical actions by moving, talking, or doing things (including driving, eating, or working at your desk), your stress level will automatically drop.

By slowing down, less things will accumulate in your mind and you will be able to perceive details better. The reduction in mental and physical fatigue that comes with slowing down will allow you to stay in tune with yourself.

As Jack Kornfield, master of vipassana meditation, states, “The art of living consists of being in the eternal present, opening yourself to what is. All it takes is a moment to break the spell of time, get out of our thoughts and see the sun reflected in the window ” . The author continues, Modern life forces us to hurry. […] But, in general, living thinking about other moments causes us stress and anxiety. To focus excessively on the past and the future detracts from the vitality of the present ” .

What the Kornfield wants to convey to us in his text is that modern life introduces us into a spiral of haste, demands and chaos that make us live in a hurry. So to counteract this harmful and unnecessary speed, it is best to open ourselves to the present. The past is past and the future has not arrived, so the present is the only thing that exists.

Order your world and suppress what you have left

Ordering your surroundings will help you keep your mind in order. A clean, placed and simple space brings clarity and order to your mind. Spending a few minutes a day to tidy up and clean your house and your workspace is very beneficial to relax your mind.

Flower on wooden floor

While you order and clean, do not forget to eliminate everything that is expendable, especially those that evoke bad memories or generate thoughts that overload your mind. Do not forget that the simpler your environment, the less chance there is that you will be distracted and end up becoming chaos.

Accept and let go

What happened happened. Accept it and let it go. It does not matter whose fault it was or what could have happened in other circumstances. You have to let those feelings drift away by stopping thinking about it. To relax your mind you have to banish all those negative thoughts and unpleasant memories that disturb you.

Focus on the present, on the opportunities you have now. Face the future free of guilt and resentment. Clinging to a negative experience from the past is leaving our happiness in the hands of something that has already happened. If we are aware that the past is the past and the present is important, we learn to let go. As the Beatles sang, “Let it be” , that is, “Let it be .

Solve your problems now

If you have a problem, solve it. Do not let time decide for you or pass judgment. Solving a problem relieves you of stress and allows you to let it go. You must face your problems, even when you don’t like the solution or find it difficult to accept it.

The more time passes, the more complicated everything will be and the more it will weigh you to make decisions or accept the consequences.


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