Five Small Changes To Bring You Closer To Happiness

Five small changes to bring you closer to happiness

“PERMA”? What is  “PERMA”?  .  Perhaps it does not sound like anything related to joy, however, they are the acronym (in English) of a wonderful current that has as its main objective; something as simple and at the same time as sought after as happiness.

And it is not only used for individuals, but it can be applied in groups, families or couples. The PERMA system was created by a University of Pennsylvania professor named Martin Seligman. This theory of well-being is known internationally and is used in many countries with more than interesting results.

There is no doubt that the human being is in a constant search for happiness, that it can reside in a new love, a better job, the arrival of a child, one’s own home, a vacation in the Caribbean or the company of friends. .

So, if we start thinking about how each action or object will give us happiness (taking into account that the material should not produce that feeling), without a doubt, we can apply the PERMA theory. As Dr. Seligman likes to call him, it is a description of what people should do to have a happier life.  Each one must look at his life and determine what weighs more on his scale, if in love: love, health, relationships …

Thus, PERMA consists of five actions, habits or ways of looking at life, whatever you want to call it.

First, there is the letter “P”, which derives from “Positive Emotions”, that is, positive emotions . It is proven that optimistic people are those who perform better at their jobs or enjoy their partner, for example. They feel good about themselves and they transmit that to others. Learn to cultivate these kinds of positive emotions: joy, serenity, hope, gratitude, wonder, love, inspiration, and recreation. So you can deal with the bad and overcome obstacles.

The second letter is the “E”, which comes from “Engagement”, this means, commitment. But he is not talking about getting engaged to the couple to get married, but about getting more involved with the things we like. By cultivating a passion, we feel happy. We are so full when we do what we are passionate about that we can forget about problems. We are never tired, we can continue to give our best, it is not a burden but a blessing. Know what your passions are to fulfill yourself personally.

The third letter of PERMA is the “R”, which is related to “Relationships”, relationships. They must always be positive and help us to be better people. Those that destroy do not work, but those that build. Connect more with those around you, do not be afraid to get away from those who do not add anything good to your life and you will see how quickly you begin to be happy. Cultivate relationships like a plant or grass, which requires some care to grow.

In fourth place we have the “M”, for “Meaning and Purpose”, or meaning and purpose. We all have one (or several) goal in our way, that is the pure meaning of human existence. What makes us transcend, what leaves a legacy, a teaching, a learning. It can be in any sector, from the family to the environmental, through medicine, religion, political or social.

Lastly, the “A” stands for “Accomplishment”, meaning success and achievements. People need to feel that we are useful for something, that we are competent, that our actions are not in vain and that we can act autonomously. Set short, medium, and long-term goals and develop discipline and self-control. Those are the best ways to meet your goals and feel really happy. You will trust yourself more with each achievement and you will have more will to keep going, improving day by day.

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