Did You Know That The Vocation Is Also Built?

Don’t you have a vocation? No job inspires you? Today you will discover that a vocation can be built, so don’t wait any longer to get going!
Did you know that the vocation is also built?

Do you consider that the vocation is something innate? Some people are born with a series of skills that allow them to be competent in certain professions. For example, someone with the facility to transmit in a clear and simple way different concepts related to a subject, thus allowing others to assimilate them better, can become a great teacher.

However, are there people who are handicapped from finding their calling? The answer is “no”, since, as we will see, the vocation can also be built. This idea draws a question mark on the horizon: what is vocation really?

According to the research work entitled Origin and configuration of the teaching vocation: analysis of the association “The tribe educates” , ” the vocation is the inclination that the individual manifests towards a profession or towards a specific career “. But, the skills to perform will not always be available. Therefore, these must be acquired and worked.

Building the vocation

We may not identify with any of the above. Perhaps, we were not born with a series of skills that have allowed us to find our vocation, in an environment that has favored it or we do not have access to acquire the skills that we do not need. What happens in these circumstances? Are we destined to work on something we don’t like?

The work we are doing today may not appeal to us and we are doing it because we need the money. It can be any type of profession, such as cleaning, working in an insurance agency, being a telemarketer, working as a manager in a company … The fact that we do not love it can make us feel unmotivated and unwilling to give the best of ourselves . But this can change.

Stressed woman at work

Improve skills

One of the best ways to start building a vocation is to improve skills by taking a course or signing up for a seminar. There are companies in which certain incentives are provided to those workers who progress in their work. This can be done with a salary increase, an opportunity for promotion within the company or with training whose costs are borne by the institution.

The fact that we realize that, every time, we are more professional and we do our work better can make us end up loving it. It doesn’t matter if the job consists of translating text or serving customers entering a restaurant. In all cases, the vocation can be built.

Take pride in our work

This is another of the points to which it will take us to have begun to improve the skills or perfect the skills that we have. As we discover ourselves being more effective in our work, more productive, and even creative, the more proud we will become of what we are doing. Little by little, our interest will increase and we will have forgotten that disinterest that we felt at first.

A positive consequence of this is that we will obtain another incentive to feel that we have managed to build our vocation: recognition. A recognition that we will receive from others and that will be nothing more than a confirmation that we are achieving our objectives.

Woman thinking about the benefits of finding happiness at work

Take only five minutes

Building our own vocation is sometimes not an easy task. In these cases, the search work itself can become a challenge. On the other hand, those who have the “standard” vocation may skip this step, but they also have to train, hone their skills and, at times, face selective processes (such as competitive exams) that can cause them a lot of frustration.

However, instead of throwing in the towel or constantly repeating “I can’t” to ourselves, let’s start by taking five minutes a day to learn how to improve our performance at work, something new that allows us to aspire to a higher position or, simply, to soak up information that allows us to improve a skill. We all have five minutes a day that we can dedicate to building our vocation. There are no excuses. Have you always been clear about your vocation or, on the contrary, have you had to build it?

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