Depression And Anxiety Are Not Signs Of Weakness

Depression and anxiety are not signs of weakness

Depression and anxiety are not synonymous with weakness. They are not the result of a personal choice, we cannot decide whether or not we want them to accompany us.

No. Emotional problems don’t work like that, it’s not about “I want to feel bad and I get into a well of sadness or anxiety to see if I drown . These are not signs of weakness or of frailty or poverty of spirit. Neither are they of surrender or of sloppiness.


Depression and anxiety are not personal choices

One fine day you realize that everything has lost the meaning it had, that there is nothing to encourage or motivate you, it is difficult for you to get out of bed, you feel deeply sad or irritable.

At the same time it can happen to us that everything overwhelms us and exhausts us, that our breathing suddenly accelerates and that we feel incapable of coping with life in a “simple and fast” way. Somehow we feel defeated by circumstances, without strength and without desire. This state comes and goes or is with us permanently.

Then we began to think that perhaps we would have to consult a specialist to confirm that we are “invaded” by a deep sadness or a tremendous concern that makes us feel unable to deal with our day to day.

sadness (2)

As a consequence of this, we fall into an anxious, depressed or mixed state of mind from which we tend to avoid or not feel good by leaving the house, doing tasks or activities that were previously satisfactory, interacting with the people around us, etc. . Depression and anxiety have been present in our life.

So everything is tremendous, but we can get out of there. At this point we need a professional to support us with an explanation that gives emotional coherence to this situation and helps us overcome it.

Obviously this invites in an indirect way to live from inertia and to isolate our life even more, as well as to strengthen the vicious circle that pushed us to fall into this trap. In other words, far from bringing clarity to our state and having precise information about it, our atmosphere becomes increasingly thin and blurred.

In our society there is great cruelty around psychological and emotional pain, which are considered second, third or even fourth rank. In truth, the value we place on our psychological health is tremendously terrifying.

In the same way that it would not occur to us to ignore a wound that becomes infected or that does not stop bleeding, a continuous and stabbing stomach pain or a great headache, we cannot ignore the psychological pain.

Woman teary eyes


In other words, we cannot let time heal us because we run the risk that it will not do so and that, on the contrary, our wounds will open more, infections will spread and our problems will become encrusted.

I wish we could choose not to have problems, enjoy every moment and always feel good. However, we cannot avoid it and, of course, from falling into depression and anxiety.

The sooner we understand this, the sooner we will learn to take care of ourselves as we deserve and not to add fuel to our fire, not to set our mind on fire with an internal social dialogue that undermines and belittles our emotions and the problems we encounter when we realize that the world, in reality, is not the color that best combines us all.

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