Circumstances Are Powerful, But You Are More Powerful

Circumstances are powerful, but you are more so

Many times, circumstances absorb us in such a way that it is difficult for us to see a way out of the problem they define. We forget that beyond our environment, we have the power to change our mind. What we think and believe about our life determines, and much, how we feel.

For example, if you think that you will be able to overcome a difficulty, you will be more likely to overcome it. We are, at least in part, the result of our decisions and the actions that accompany these decisions.

In this sense, the circumstances can identify the starting point: from there – even many times before – we have the power to start making decisions. You are more than your circumstances, do not hesitate. Your personal power is immense, you just need to connect with yourself so that strength and coherence accompany your steps.

The power of beliefs

Beliefs are preconceived ideas that we acquire as we grow older. These beliefs are penetrating your interior at the unconscious level in such a way that you no longer conceive your world in any other way than by going through your mental map. The truth is that the map of our world sometimes also becomes cloudy and prevents us from seeing the light that we carry within.

Man with cloud on his head simulating brain fog

Phrases as repeated as: ” I can not do it, I am not able to achieve it, I do not deserve to be happy” … they  make us disconnect from our ability, or from faith in our ability, to turn around complicated situations. Many times this is only the starting point to give way to a chronic dissatisfaction that damages our emotional well-being.

Negative beliefs are very limiting because they destroy our dreams and passions. Changing our thinking is up to us, the first step is to be determined to want to improve.

Good self-esteem helps you overcome the most difficult obstacles

A good self-esteem is the starting point to transform our thoughts and emotions. Let’s not wait for others to give us the love that we don’t give ourselves. Otherwise, how are we going to regain or maintain our inner power? It is not possible to transform our mind if we do not believe in ourselves.

Instead of telling us: – I am useless, I am not enough, I will never be able to achieve it…. Let’s try to change our language and begin to communicate with words of encouragement, such as : I accept myself as I am, I am sufficient and capable, I love myself deeply, I can achieve my goals … so it will be easier for us to be able to look at the world with hope .

For example, if you are in a relationship that makes you feel unhappy, why keep nurturing what you dislike in your life? Perhaps you think that you cannot cut that relationship because you would not know what to do without this person, or because you have children, or financial difficulties. But if you don’t change what you dislike, who will do it for you? 

Circumstances will not be able to with you

Life sometimes gives us one of lime and one of sand. It may be that we have had to live, duels, deaths, and situations that we feel as deep injustices. Despite the traumatic or difficult situations that we may experience,  we have the ability to recover and emerge stronger from adversity. We call this concept resilience.

If we are resilient people, it means that we dare to look inside ourselves, we already know ourselves in an honest way, in addition to being able to look pain in the eye. Instead of avoiding pain, we can after a process, accept it and transform it to learn from it. If you do not recognize yourself in this description, calm down. The good news is that resilience is a trait that can be learned and practiced until you improve.

One of the most important aspects of resilience is flexibility. A flexibility that improves our possibilities of adaptation to adverse circumstances. In this sense, in addition, circumstances do not have to enclose us, but we can show ourselves vulnerable, teach pain and seek emotional support. Rather than covering our wounds, we can choose to heal them through acceptance.

Happy woman

Start with achievable goals, and then get to where you want

If there is one task that intelligent people do well, it is to set realistic challenges: manageable, but not easy. That require an expenditure of energy, but do not deplete them. That they suppose an effort, but not wasted time. At the same time, they divide the path to the goal that they have set for themselves into small goals. They are stopping points: they reinforce and re-evaluate the most important aspects of the next stage, in case they have to make any adjustments.

Having good self-esteem and a strengthened self-concept helps us increase the margin of control over what happens to us. If we think that we are very capable of bringing the situation to a good end, we will want to take the helm and we will not let random circumstances decide. On the contrary, if we do not feel self-effective, it will be easier for us to limit ourselves to following the direction of the wind.

If we believe in our ability to make changes and take action, we will see how new horizons begin to emerge; changes that will give us the opportunity  to renew ourselves and grow emotionally. If we set gradual goals, do activities that bring us well-being, and stop thinking about what others expect of us, we can enjoy our personal power again.

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