Carpe Diem: The Dead Poets Club

The expression Carpe Diem should be taught in schools. The need to appreciate the present and the here and now with intensity is a focus that we lose as we get older.
Carpe Diem: The Dead Poets Club

Carpe Diem, live in the moment because, who assures you that tomorrow will dawn again? Since we live immersed in a universe of enormous proportions, full of chaos and entropy, assuming that tomorrow is absolute is a major mistake.

This situation gives even more importance to the phrase that heads the title of this article. Carpe Diem is an important lesson from the great movie The Dead Poets Club.  Few productions have evoked in such a way the need to live life in the present moment, with courage, with confidence and with open arms.

What does Carpe Diem mean ?

As explained in the film itself  Carpe Diem  is the Latin expression to say “seize the moment.” That is, live each moment as if it were the last, because maybe it is.

Philosopher Henry David Thoreau is one of the most cited figures in this 1989 production directed by Peter Weir. Few figures in our history and in the intellectual world turned out to be so unique as well as inspiring. Thoreau, left everything, including his life of comfort and success, to live for 26 months in a cabin in the Concord Forest, in Massachusetts.

He drew up an existence where he can value that present where there is no room for fears or insecurities. If the desire is firm, it must be fulfilled. The present that is not used becomes a betrayal of ourselves. Likewise, studies such as the one carried out by Dr. Anna Acharya, from the University of Calcutta, show us that this principle is shared in absolutely all cultures.

We all understand the need to make better use of the present to be happy, however, sometimes we forget it.

Woman at sunset practicing the Carpe Diem

Dead poets society

The Dead Poets Club is a movie that was a notable success in its day. Today, we are still excited. In it we are shown an exalted affection for happiness in life. That is why it moves with the leitmotif of Carpe Diem .

  • Throughout the film’s footage and played by Robin Williams,  an attentive teacher in love with teaching helps a group of young people to take another step in their lives  and not allow themselves to be one of the flock. It encourages them to make their existence special.

However, during the film it is very clear that the famous person, the politician or the rich person does not have a special life. You just have to know how to take advantage of the moment, be happy and true to yourself and enjoy every second of life as if it were your last.

Carpe Diem : Do not leave anything for the return

Teacher teaching the Carpe Diem

Curiously, at this point we can echo another film also starring one of the actors from The Dead Poets Club , Ethan Hawke. We speak in this case of the exceptional work of Andrew Niccol, Gattaca .

In this sense, the protagonist of Gattaca is a young man who dreams of going into space, but knows that he will never be able to because his body was born out of love and, therefore, is genetically imperfect. This fact is an important flaw in the near future to which it seems that we are heading, and in which the survival of the fittest is being imposed through science and not nature.

Thus, the young protagonist of Gattaca has a genetically perfect brother. His health and strength are superior. However, he is unable to beat him in a swimming race despite being more fit.

How does the lower being win the higher? With determination, strength, will. .. in short, leaving nothing for the return, and putting all his passion in each act he carries out. That is, living each moment as if it were the last.

Bring the juice to life

Happy woman practicing carpe diem

Thus, the expression Carpe Diem should be required to teach in schools. Teaching and educating children does not have to stop at the mere transmission of mathematical, linguistic and scientific knowledge. We must go further. It would be wonderful to tend to show our little ones how to get the core out of life.

If we manage to create a whole network of freethinkers, people who seek something more out of life than just a job, a house and a car, perhaps one day we will achieve that families train their children with enormous values ​​of respect for others, for the natural environment that surrounds us, for the love of everything that is dear to us, for solidarity, friendship and equality.

A society that practices Carpe Diem is a healthy and friendly society. Enjoy life, get the core of what is pretty and beautiful, express your feelings without fear of what they will say, be yourself at all times, ask for help from those who love you …

Over time

The passage of time is swift, persistent and tenacious. We cannot fight him. It leaves never to return. However, we can make you our ally. In this sense, the phrase Carpe Diem is perfect to find in him a true friend.

Do not let the unfortunate day reach you when you have to leave thinking that you did not do anything useful and beautiful with your life. Seize the moment, feel every moment with passion and energy and make the wonderful expression of Carpe Diem your own. It is in your hand and you, and only you, can make your life a fantastic world of happiness.

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