Can Bad People Change?

We would all like to know if bad people can change or, failing that, what we can do with them. Find out in this article
can bad people change?

can bad people change? Perhaps this is the question that we have all asked ourselves at some time: Perhaps we have met people who repeat patterns of behavior loaded with negativity towards others, who make them their victims. These people are incapable of reasoning.

They are individuals who are convinced that they are always right and sure that there is always a culprit responsible for their faults or mistakes. People who surround you consecutively with their sarcasm and insolence, or leave you stunned with their rudeness but do not admit a joke.

Can bad people change or do they always stay that way?

But can bad people change? People who act with malice and meanness while openly envying the successes of others. Bitter that they seek to enter with their hostility in our lives, to confirm their negative and pessimistic vision of the world? Your negativity and your ways are responsible for your emotional responses. Therefore, it is a feedback loop.

In this way, they behave very badly with others and the rejection or hostility that they generate in others is used by these people as a confirming fact that everyone rejects them and is, in turn, despicable. Unfortunately, it seems that pointing out this fact, as well as the negative behavior of these people, does not seem to have much effect. So it seems rather that they are the ones who have to realize that they reap what they sow. This process can take from years to a lifetime.

Now yes, can bad people change or do they always stay that way? Well, it depends on the case, the time and the place. Knowing that they are reluctant to change and that they will not accept that others make them see it from the outside. Knowing that they operate under cognitive distortions and confirmatory biases, change is possible, but not likely. Not likely, at least in the short and medium term.

Identify bad people

Identify bad people

We all indulge in occasional rudeness on occasion that has nothing to do with the behavior of bad people. We do not intend or characterize that behavior, they are our small or big mistakes as people and human beings.

But the truth is that some daily actions can help us identify these unpleasant people. They are people who carry out acts and have attitudes such as insults, unsolicited physical contact, threats, verbal intimidation or not.

They are people who tend to publicly shame, nullify people as if they were invisible. People who make rude interruptions, who use sarcasm to hurt and who seek to humiliate their victims through all possible means, including social networks.

How to deal with bad people

Woman rejecting bad people

Bad people are not capable of reasoning because anger, anger, and their manners are concepts with which they interpret the privilege of living. Before them, the only solution is to avoid them and stay calm. If you cannot carry out the difficult task of maintaining patience, it is best to get away from them, leaving the most effective distance possible.

If we can’t walk away, the question is whether we should be nice to those not-so-uncommon characters in our day-to-day lives. Scientists say that when we develop manners of politeness and civility, the people who exchange those manners end up mutually benefiting each other.

It is an effect known as “ecstasy of the person who helps”, in which applying our education, a large number of hormones and neurotransmitters beneficial to our health are activated. Many studies confirm that kind and compassionate people live healthier, longer and more successful lives than bad people.

Practice indifference against evil

Man representing bad people

Becoming victims of bad people can create high doses of stress, sap the mood and can turn into torture. The defense involves trying not to give it an importance that it should never have, because trying to make these people see the disastrous behavior can have counterproductive effects.

In order not to be a victim, let’s develop the art of indifference, limit the time of exposure to contact with them and, if the security of our mind seems fragile, let’s move away definitively. In these cases, there is no use trying to act against them, to take revenge in some way. They are resentful, negative people who already have their punishment: living with themselves.

In conclusion, when asked: “ can bad people change? “We have seen that it is complex. Furthermore, we must not abuse the idea that change can be imposed on them from the outside. (Vera, JM, 2011) Therefore, it is important that we do not let bad people affect us. Also, that we learn to live with them without being threatened by their negativity. Sometimes it is difficult and the only solution is to get away from them. But, if this possibility does not exist, indifference can be one of our great allies.

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