Am I Too Small For Such A Big World?

Am I too small for such a big world?

Alicia had had a bad day. Once again, he felt like he didn’t fit in anywhere. It seemed like everything she did was going backwards and she was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with herself. When she went to sleep she couldn’t get a question out of her mind, a question that perhaps explained what was happening to her, what if I’m too small for such a big world?

The next morning, as soon as he woke up, he noticed that everything around him had changed. Everything was much further away. She was lost in a huge bed of white sheets and the floor seemed miles away.

More and more scared and as if it were the protagonist of the book “Alice in Wonderland” that she had on her bedside, she felt that she had shrunk or that her own world had become bigger. Then she remembered that question she had asked herself the night before and, scared, she thought, what if that feeling small has come true?

He left the house by sneaking through the small crack under the door. She started yelling at the people passing by, but none of them could hear her. Until she realized that an old man who was asking for money at the door of a portal was looking at her with a big smile.

The important thing is not what or how, but why

She approached, dodging the giants that now surrounded her, that old man. He extended his hand to her, Alicia got on it and so she could comfortably put it on his shoulder, so that she could get close to her ear and thus be able to understand what Alicia was so desperate to tell:

-Sir, my name is Alicia and I don’t know what happened, I don’t know how, this morning I woke up cowering, much smaller. Can you help me?

-Dear Alicia, are you sure these are your doubts?

Alicia, a little surprised by the man’s reaction, frowned and asked him, “Is there a question or a more correct question?”

-Of course! -the old man answered with complete certainty-, it is not always important to know the what or the how but the why of what happens to us in order to find a solution. You already know that if we do not know the problem it is very difficult for us to face it.

Alicia, visibly surprised, raised her tone of voice and replied, “But … Can’t you see it? Can’t you see that I’ve shrunk?” That is why, the reason that I am here asking for help.

Are you sure? Doesn’t it worry you more to know why you are smaller now? Remember that as the little prince says, the essential is not always visible to the eyes, to which I add that it is not accessible either if you do not ask yourself the right questions.


-Alicia was thoughtful, what that old man was telling her made her reflect, until she finally found the solution-, maybe this happens to me because last night, when I was going to bed, I thought I was too small for this world.

Ahhh and what you thought now has come true, hasn’t it?

Yes, but it was not my intention, it was just what I felt at that moment.

And why did you feel it?

Because I am very lost. I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere and I don’t know where I’m going. I have lost myself and I do not know which way to go in life, I do not know what to do and all the people around me seem to have a very clear future.

Dear Alice, not everything is what it seems. There are people who will never find the way because there are others who have marked it for them and that is why they seem to know where they are going, others do not even look for it, they follow the path of the majority by inertia, and others, only the bravest, wonder if that is the path that will take them to the place they want to go.

Woman hugging the world

Sometimes feeling small is not a question of aptitude, but of attitude

Alicia kindly said goodbye to the old man and returned home. Everything that kind gentleman had said had left her thoughtful. Now he was no longer afraid, but curious to understand what was happening to him so that he could change it.

Then she began to think that maybe feeling small was not a matter of aptitude but of attitude. It was a matter of going through life looking carefully at the ground so as not to take a misstep, instead of putting aside your fears and looking ahead with a firm step, to achieve what you wanted.

He realized that fear paralyzes or turns you into an automaton that leads you down the path that others have marked, instead of venturing out and fighting for your own. He began to think that it is impossible to live without failing or failing at something unless you live so carefully that you refuse to live at all. And yet this last point would be a failure by omission.

So she decided to go to bed again and get up the next morning with the attitude of eating the world in bites because it was only her and her fears that prevented her from changing how she felt. And then the alarm clock rang.

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