A Journey That Marks A Before And After, Love

A trip that marks a before and after, love

Many times we lose loved ones, a love, a friend, a family member due to different circumstances , but no, they are not lost, they are gains. We have been fortunate to enjoy these people, the love they have given us. We do not have to anchor ourselves in the sadness of what has been lost, but rather to take refuge in the joy of what we have gained.

Along the way of life we ​​will lose different loves. .. couples, friends, family and we will also find new people who will help us to continue walking and who will give us new experiences. Don’t be afraid of losses. Think that an existence without experiences makes no sense, that it is better to know love and have lost it than not to have known it …


A trip, a farewell

Whenever I listen to this song a sadness overwhelms me … music has the ability to awaken your lost, forgotten emotions …  Loving and losing that love due to different circumstances is one of the saddest feelings and sensations that we all experience at least sometime in our life…

Love and heartbreak are part of life and sometimes as in this story, a trip marks a before and after in a couple. A trip that not only the physical distances have been noticed, but also the emotional ones. For this reason, when I listen to it, I feel every word and I write to you …

“You had to leave, you were looking for a better future, we promised each other eternal love, what was between us nothing and no one could destroy it … but I was just a girl and I did not know that life is not always as we dream of it, we speak it or we believe it. Sometimes, like a capricious girl, she goes from one place to another playing with us …

Perhaps despite my innocence deep down I knew that something between us would be lost, that train that was marching and that broke my heart, would never return, despite your promises. That trip would make you know other smells, other flavors, other people and other places …

Girl saying goodbye to her partner

True love is not selfish and that is why I let you go, so that you could live all that you still had to live. You were so vital, you had so many illusions, so much desire to eat the world …  Your present and your future were no longer here. .. I was tied to so many things here that I could not follow you, although I knew that within me you would always occupy a very important place. important and that was enough for me to be happy. “

Now that I listen to this song and despite the years that have passed, my eyes flood with tears when I remember that little boy who left with his suitcases looking for a future. But they are beautiful memories, they are tears full of life, of nostalgia, that comfort me because I lived, we lived a love story that is part of my life and that you gave me with your letters, your kisses, your caresses.

How can we use emotional intelligence in the face of a lost love?

To overcome the loss of a loved one and recover, we can use the power of emotional intelligence in our daily lives. Follow these tips and you will discover that little by little you will get rid of that thorn:

  • Feel happy for what you have lived. You have not lost, you have gained an experience in your life, you have gained the wonderful experience of living love, of feeling and savoring it. You have surrendered to his evidence that at the time was magical …
  • Don’t lock yourself into repetitive thoughts around that person. Remember fondly but do not idealize or become obsessed. Life has much to offer you, do not anchor yourself in the past and open yourself to the present, to everything that it brings you.
Woman with cage releasing birds
  • Talk to other people that you consider emotionally intelligent. Two words and a hug can erase your sadness in just a moment. Talk to people who understand your emotions, you will surely feel more relief.
  • Think that things change in life. Now you are sad, your soul is broken by that love that left but thinks that everything in life passes. You will live beautiful things again if you are willing to live.
  • Don’t be afraid to live. If you have lost a love, do not be afraid to relive the experience of falling in love. Challenging yourself and feeling that you are brave to overcome your fears, in this case the adventure of falling in love again regardless of whether it goes well or goes wrong, will give you security. You will feel that you have enough emotional intelligence to overcome setbacks.

Do not be afraid, live and enjoy love, experience it and open yourself to its sensations and feelings. They will end up composing your map of life, a map full of indelible memories, because what would we be without memories?

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