Let’s Learn To Live Together Enriching Ourselves With Our Differences

Let's learn to live together enriching ourselves with our differences

In times of ready-made love affairs, back and forth relationships and a fictitious need for everything to be perfect, real relationships – both personal and social – are increasingly remote from those of today’s youth. We have to start from the basis that in every personal relationship there will be differences, and in every kind of love there will be different points of view.

Discovering the other has a double mission. One is to teach us the diversity of the species and the other to contribute to an awareness of the similarities and interdependence between people. For all this, we have to bear in mind that the discovery of the other inevitably passes through the discovery of oneself.

In order to achieve a peaceful coexistence and get to know others, it is important to develop a series of values ​​and attitudes such as self-knowledge, self-esteem and the development of empathy. In short, learn to share and work for a common good,  recognizing others as different in personal characteristics, but equal in rights.

Accept the differences of others

Learning to accept the differences we have with others, valuing the thinking of others and adapting our behavior in part to them, will bring us closer, making it easier to understand them and for them to understand us. Our personal growth is linked to respect for each of the members of our life.

Hands of different people united

Creating a positive environment will largely depend on how we let differences with others affect our lives. It is always a good idea to invest effort in learning that our happiness is not alien to the happiness of our environment, and therefore it is built with the contribution of everyone, including their differences.

We only have to take a look at our life to see that we have been wrong, we are wrong and we will be wrong, because we also have endless defects.  Practicing humility will help us to be more approachable to others, concentrating on enjoying their qualities rather than criticizing their flaws.

Diversity is a positive force

Diversity is an intrinsic characteristic of human groups.  Each person has a special way of thinking, feeling and acting, regardless of whether, from the evolutionary point of view, there are cognitive, affective and behavioral patterns with certain similarities.

In both personal and social relationships, diversity enriches us. It shows us a new world of circumstances and situations that if it weren’t for that range of differences we would never have known or enjoyed. Thus, diversity is a continuous departure from our comfort zone.


This frequent departure from our comfort zone encourages personal growth. Realizing that we are capable of achieving what we were afraid of is a very valuable contribution to our backpack, the one that will accompany us throughout our journey.

Diversity is ultimately learning. All diversity is positive because it teaches to recognize the difference and to recognize oneself in it,  rather than towards tolerance it points towards coexistence. Diverse societies are not usually exclusive, and now more than ever this has to be the message for us to learn to live together with our differences.


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