9 Relaxation Games To Raise Emotionally Strong Children

9 relaxation games to raise emotionally strong children

In an age when tablets are used to calm children, it becomes more essential if it is possible to train our little ones in relaxation techniques. We can do it through relaxation games so that, while developing resources for life, they have fun.

Thus, bearing in mind that we live in a society that encourages haste, quick stimuli, and immediate gratification, it is of the utmost importance that we have resources at hand that promote greater self-control.

Therefore, based on this premise, let’s see what they consist of:

1. Blow out the candle !!

This game consists of learning to breathe deeply, that is, taking air through the nose, inflating the belly and gradually expelling the air while we blow out the candle with the intention of extinguishing it. Once the instructions are understood, we place the child in a chair two meters from the candle, which will be lit on a table.

You can’t get up or bend over, so hopefully you won’t be able to turn it off. So we’ll bring it about half a meter closer. We will zoom in until you turn it off. In this way we will have a play time of about 5 minutes in which the child will acquire the ability to breathe deeply.

Mother t child on the plya

2. The balloon game

The balloon technique is a wonderful game that helps us to promote relaxation through correct breathing.  What do we need? A wide space and colored balloons. What should we do? Inflate one balloon so much that it explodes and inflate another balloon and let the air out slowly by manipulating the nozzle.

After doing this we will ask the children to tell us about situations in which they feel like balloons, situations in which they cannot bear or tolerate something. Then, we will invite you to tell us how you have solved it, offering alternatives if you need help to become aware of these situations.

balloon children

3. Progressive relaxation

While we can give you the instructions, on YouTube we have a great video based on the original text of Koeppen’s relaxation that narrates the relaxation instructions with fantastic background music courtesy of Salvador Candel.



As an additional note, it should be said that to encourage them to generalize this type of relaxation in more “natural” contexts such as school, we can tell them that if they get nervous in class, grab the chair while they are sitting and tense their arms and trunk at the same time. time they force their feet on the ground.

4. The seed game

With relaxing music in the background and soft lighting, we will symbolize the growth of a tree. We will begin by kneeling on the floor with our heads down and our arms extended forward, as if we were kittens stretching.

We are a seed that, to the sound of music, grows and becomes a large tree with beautiful branches, which will be our arms extended upwards when we are standing. This exercise is ideal to do with them at night, before going to bed.

child resting and relieving his emotion (2)

5. The tale of the turtle

The Tale of the Turtle, developed by Schneider, is great for fostering self-control skills. The link tells the story of a little turtle that got angry about everything and exploded with great ease.

This story is ideal to tell to children between 3 and 7 years old. To encourage the implementation of this skill, we can give them a sticker or a piece of paper with a turtle every time they do the exercise in a stressful situation. We have it downloadable and ready to print.

6. The vial of calm

We call a bottle of calm to a bottle in which we put water, liquid silicone to give density to the content and, for example, glitter. We can make it with them with one more handicraft and it is ideal for them to contemplate both in moments of tension and in moments that we can call “zen”.

Just observing the glitter moving slowly will help you focus and relax your mind after moments of great activation. We leave you a link that explains how to make it and how to use it. Do not forget to seal the bottle with super glue to prevent it from opening and spilling the contents !!

7. The Giant Ball Blower Game

Yet another resource for fun and learning to breathe deeply is the blower game. It consists of keeping the ball in the air for as long as possible. Fun right? The truth is that they love this game and it is very functional to promote relaxation.


8. Crumpling papers, squashing balls, scribbling

Scribbling, crumpling papers, or squishy anti-stress balls is another wonderful game to help them channel their negative emotions. In addition, at the same time we promote the development of fine motor skills, since we help them to strengthen the muscles of their little hands.

9.Paint mandalas

Painting mandalas not only promotes relaxation and reflexivity, but also the ability to concentrate and creative ability. In bookstores and on the internet we find numerous suitable alternatives for them that they will love.

Children's mandalas

So far today’s compilation, we hope that these relaxation games and resources are really useful in raising the little ones. Let us not forget that it is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken adults and that the fact that nature entrusts us with the education of children is our greatest responsibility.

Have you already tried any of these relaxation games?

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