What Does Your Linkedin Profile Say About Your Personality?

The profile you fill in on Linkedin reveals multiple traits of your personality according to a study. Factors such as kindness or conscientiousness can be reflected in it.
What does your Linkedin profile say about your personality?

What does your Linkedin profile say about your personality? There are those who point out that this social network oriented towards business use, business and job search is like a fruit market. Each person exposes what they have and, later, the recruiters choose the one whose “merchandise” best suits their needs.

In that public square of profiles, titles, skills and various experiences, each one tries to sell themselves in the best possible way. It’s like creating an online billboard that we hope an entrepreneur will be drawn to. What we do not always know or perceive is that, in this attempt to captivate through our curriculum, we leave multiple strokes on our character.

A recent study has been interested in pausing on this aspect to give us data that, to say the least, are interesting. Likewise, they also encourage us to be more scrupulous when designing that billboard in which certain neon lights can sometimes be more harmful than attractive.


Example of an uncompleted professional Linkedin profile

This is what your Linkedin profile says about your personality

Currently, Linkedin is more important than we can think. He has great corporate power and those who have made effective and strategic use of his profile have seen a positive change in his career. Since its creators Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly and Jean-Luc Vaillant launched it in 2002, it did not take long to become a reference platform.

It is not only that “digital public market” oriented to the job search. Linkedin is a meeting point between communities, since it allows us to stay up to date on current issues, connects different professionals with each other and also has the LinkedIn Learning platform aimed at training.

Now, when it comes to recruiting candidates, there are experts who know how to look beyond what the profile of each user on this social network reveals. In fact, just a few months ago the Western Swiss University of Applied Sciences and Arts published a very revealing study.

What your Linkedin profile says about your personality is actually as striking as it is interesting. We analyze it.

Your openness to experience

The present research work started from the Model of the big five of the human personality. The first factor that builds this approach is openness, a highly positive, interesting and valued trait in the field of recruiting. This variable is expressed through dimensions such as the following:

  • Active imagination (fantasy), intellectual curiosity, aesthetic sensitivity, preference for variety, emotional management, and preference for variety.

Now, how are these traits appreciated in our Linkedin profile? Experts point out that through the following elements:

  • Your profile picture.
  • The way you present yourself, the way you talk about yourself and explain who you are, what you expect, what you are looking for.
  • The languages ​​you speak.
  • Having multiple contacts in the Linkedin network itself.

Conscientiousness, your ability to be responsible and task-oriented

What your Linkedin profile says about your personality goes beyond the set of studies, experiences and skills. It can also be seen in your ability to comply with rules and tasks, also your self-control and your demand with work.

Conscientiousness is another variable highly appreciated by recruiters, so to see if you have it, they will look at the following:

  • Certifications that you accredit and how to expose them.
  • Skills you describe and how you present them.
  • Order, detail and thoroughness in the writing of your resume and presentation.
  • Add or not accreditations that demonstrate your courses and experiences.

What your Linkedin profile says about your personality: the degree of extroversion

Extraversion is another variable that appears in the taxonomy or classification of personality traits of the Big Five. It measures sociability, energy or if we are more lonely or reserved. In this case, those points to attend to and value are those reflected below:

  • Practice a team sport.
  • Leadership experience or not.
  • Size of the social network evidenced by the candidate.
  • Added complementary experiences (hobbies, skills, etc.).
Digitally connected people

Kindness, the cooperative candidate

Can you appreciate, perceive, intuit the kindness of a person on his resume? It seems that what your Linkedin profile says about your personality also includes this factor.

Thus, this ability to collaborate with others, be altruistic, supportive and considerate can be visualized through the following variables:

  • The solidarity or volunteer activities specified by the candidate are always highly valued and taken into account.
  • Have competencies such as “group work” reflected in skills .

Can the neurotic or less neurotic person be identified in a Linkedin profile?

This could be the golden question. Can we identify the neurotic personality in this social network and in a curriculum? Remember, neuroticism, in the big five model, defines the person with more or less emotional insecurity. Also, having more or less tendency to suffer anxiety or being people with high or low inclination to worry, feelings of guilt, etc.

Therefore, could we identify a more stable and less neurotic candidate in this personality factor? The truth is that this is the variable that showed the lowest correlation. It is not easy to deduce this psychological trait. For this, it would be necessary to analyze, for example, the publications that the candidate makes and the way of interacting in the social network itself.

It is more than interesting to take into account these small aspects when we write or fill in our data in another social network. If an employer is looking for someone with talent, it will not be enough just to attend to training and experience.

In this market of offers and demands, we must design our own neon signs trying to be sincere, attractive and reveal what we want to sell ourselves.

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