The 12 Best Osho Phrases To Reflect On

The 12 best Osho phrases to reflect on

Osho phrases speak of love, awareness and personal growth. They are a gift for anyone who wants to reflect, question and go further.

Osho was a spiritual philosopher, an Indian guru, and a great speaker. Much of his life was spent making speeches throughout India. Although he also spent a season in the US, where he founded a community known as Rajnishpuram. However, some of his acts were not free from criticism and controversy.

Who knew him defines him as a revolutionary. A person capable of facing the deepest beliefs of his society. Thanks to his charisma and his ability to speak, he was able to reach thousands of followers and convey his vision of life and death to them.

He wrote a large number of spiritual books, among which are ” The book of secrets “, ” Love, freedom and loneliness: a new vision of relationships ” and ” Enlightenment: the only revolution “. Without a doubt, Osho left a great legacy that we can remember today with some of his best phrases.


Love is appreciation

To love is to give wings, not to impose chains. That is Osho’s concept of love. If we limit our partner, if we demand and want to change, they will no longer be who we love. He will lose all his essence and will become who he is not. Hence the importance of respecting the other and letting be.

Maturing is accepting the responsibility of being yourself

This is one of the Osho phrases that we need to keep in mind every day. To be who others want is not to mature, but to please, seek approval and ultimately betray ourselves. 

The mature person accepts himself and above all, takes responsibility for himself in every way. He does not play the role of victim, but of protagonist and therefore acts accordingly. He does not wait for things to happen, but sets out on the path to build his destiny. He also does not ignore his mistakes, but sees them as a learning opportunity.

Hand with a heart

Enjoyment as a priority in Osho’s phrases

Osho believes that enjoyment is essential to have a full life. But he does not speak of a superficial and material enjoyment, but of that which comes from within, from consciousness. A sensation that only gives the appreciation of the small details and the miracles that surround us every day.

In addition, it is committed to change in the face of apathy and suffering. It prompts us to get out of our comfort zone to find our place in the world and to fulfill ourselves.

We are unique

Another of Osho’s phrases that is worth burning into the mind, assimilating it as the beginning of a reflection. We are not superior or inferior or even equal. We are limited edition. For this reason, comparisons are seldom fair … simply because we are not on an equal footing.

Living, by system, taking as a reference what others do or imagine they would do is a mistake. The objective is very different, it is about exploiting our full potential taking into account our skill profile ; a task for which it is essential to connect with us and offer the best we have to others.

Woman in front of a mirror showing self-recognition

The art of unlearning

This spiritual philosopher is committed to unlearning, to tear down the old built walls that limit us and replace them with new ones ; flexible, to give us space if we need it.

Osho is committed to empowerment and freedom from guilt. He approaches us problems and mistakes in such a way that they are free from demands and condemnations. With his words he tells us that we are not the wrong ones, but our way of thinking and looking at what happens to us inside and out. And for this, there is always a solution: seek another perspective … another angle, another point of view.

The value of looking inside

Osho reminds us that beyond breaking schemes, facing what we fear or taking risks, the greatest value lies in our ability to look within.

Having the courage to discover fears, fill gaps and illuminate our broken parts is essential if we want to continue growing. Now, we must be careful because as well as it drives us it can also make us go back and trap us. The best way to look within is with responsibility, acceptance and respect.

Woman with closed eyes surrounded by butterflies

The importance of now

Now is a central theme of Osho’s phrases. In fact, it is camouflaged in many of them. The power of the present and the awareness of it give us the experience of living intensely. 

If we anchor ourselves to the past or get hooked on expectations, life disappears without us even realizing it. Being happy is not a question of yesterday or tomorrow, but of today and it seems that we have a bad habit of forgetting it.

Live without fear

Fear limits, paralyzes, traps, and dwarfs. It robs us of life. The point is to be brave and face what we fear despite it. Otherwise we will stay in the “what if …”, “but …” and expectations.

Let’s step beyond fear, dare to cross the line and see what happens. Often what we imagine is a much more catastrophic scenario than reality …

Woman surrounded by spheres

Enjoy our company

This phrase from Osho invites us to reflect to make us see the importance of self-love, not only for ourselves but also in our relationships.

Do you really think that if you consider yourself an unpleasant, worthless, and unpleasant person, others will enjoy your company? We only give with all our being what we really feel and believe. Thus, if we want a healthy relationship based on trust, first we have to believe and trust in ourselves. 

No human being is perfect

Many people feel frustrated or stressed by mistakes. In addition, they are constantly anxious about the possibility of making mistakes. Although they know that nobody is perfect, the mistake they assume is a tragedy.

This attitude should be recognized and avoided. Well, it ends up affecting the general well-being of the individual.

The important thing about being wrong is that we learn from mistakes and not reproduce them in the future. Nobody is born knowing everything, that’s what mistakes are for.

Balance between loneliness and company

We end Osho’s sentences with this reflection. Many people tend to drift toward the poles: they have a preference for solitude or for company.

In the first case, we usually find people with few social skills, consumed in isolation. In the end, the individual ends up suffering the consequences of a lonely life.

On the other hand, there are those who fear loneliness, and are able to tolerate any harmful relationship as long as they do not lose company. In this case, happiness will always depend on the presence of the other. That said, it is important to know how to appreciate the benefits of each one and to enjoy them when it is convenient.

As we can see, Osho’s phrases are a valuable legacy, and they are so for what they say and for what they inspire. They can be the thread from which a thought is born, but also the first drop, of many others that make conversation. Words to turn to if we want to question ourselves and get to really know ourselves, and then get to know others.

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