The Importance Of Disconnecting On Vacation

There are people who on vacation continue to accumulate responsibilities and participate in activities that they do not enjoy. They are unable to disconnect from the obligation, thus burying the little time they have for rest in the sand.
The importance of disconnecting on vacation

We are in “peak season” on vacation. Many expectations of disconnection and fun for these days, perhaps too many. The first thing for a vacation to fulfill its mission of making us feel better is not to raise the bar too much of what we expect.

In other words, we could say that the first thing we have to do to disconnect is to activate the “off line” pilot and not do activities “just because” when we don’t feel like it at all. Getting disconnected on vacation involves interpreting, rather than following, what is written in the agenda or plan.

Man ways to relax

Disconnect, neither a luxury nor an abandonment

Emptying the mind to return physically and emotionally in the moment goes against what is valued in our culture: performance, productivity, competition, anticipation. However, this download is necessary to fulfill all those responsibilities that we assume in times of work.

Also, contrary to what we often believe, it is not about emptying your head, stopping being smart, creative, or being involved in life. It is a way of being “actively available”, the true self-control that allows you to feel intensely and to train yourself. The opposite of resignation or abandonment.

Some would need more short but regular breaks, while others need a long period before resuming their rhythm. The first thing is to get to know each other and try to reconcile the satisfaction of your own needs with those of the company for which we work. Beyond the quantity of vacations, it is the quality that often makes the difference.

To disconnect on vacation, choose well

Perhaps you are 18 years old and you feel like venturing down unexplored paths. Or maybe not, youth in numbers has nothing to do with daring or daring. What is somewhat general is that, at an older age, the experience is greater and the risks that are assumed more controlled.

If you want to spend a few peaceful, adventurous or eccentric days, choose the destination and the company according to your taste. It is useless if everyone likes tropical beaches when you don’t really like this plan. You and your circumstances. If you would not choose it for an afternoon when leaving the office … Why risk your savings, your rest and your company to a plan that does not convince you?

The need to disconnect on vacation: beyond work

Forget your emails and your phone as much as possible. Colleagues can take care of emergencies while you are away. Otherwise, they can wait for your return. To approach your vacation as smoothly as possible, consider completing a number of important tasks before you leave.

Don’t worry, they will know that nothing is urgent and that all emergencies have been handled. It’s all under control. The more you hold a position of responsibility, the more likely you are to be requested by your employees or clients.

The difficulty of disconnecting from work during the holidays refers mainly to high-level functions and managers. If you are in this category, don’t worry, you can always find solutions to enjoy your vacation. If you are an executive or manager, it is up to you to set an example to your employees by daring to disconnect.

  • Ideally, disconnect completely from the office. We don’t look at our emails, we don’t take our messages, and we don’t bring files with us. We must prepare our departure.
  • Get out of the routine. If possible, it is important to get out of the house and into the cabin, camping, traveling, or visiting friends. It’s refreshing and saves us from spending our vacations to do housework or renovations.
  • Have fun. The most important thing is to do what you like and not overload your rest time.
Woman on a mat on the beach

The benefits of disconnection

Why is it so important to disconnect during the holidays? By working less often, you will be able to benefit more from your loved ones and they will be delighted. Of course, disconnecting will allow you to relax and be more motivated for recovery. Its clearest benefits are these:

  • Let’s nurture our relationships with our loved ones.
  • Helps reduce muscle tension.
  • Stimulates our immune system.
  • It improves our mood.
  • Prevents depression.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • We are going to eat better and exercise more.
  • Helps prevent a wave of other diseases.

In short, a vacation is good for the mind. Enjoy them!

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