Sophrology To Escape Daily Stress

Sophrology to escape daily stress

The word sophrology comes from the Greek serenity ( sos ), mind ( phren ) and study, reason ( logos ). This scientific discipline emerged in Spain, in the field of medicine. Its main mission is to investigate how to enhance the positive dimension of the mental capacities of the human being.

In the same way that a muscle can be exercised and improved, the human being can train and develop his mental capacities. Thus, sophrology seeks to help the human being to develop its full potential, considering it as an indivisible entity and treating the physical and mental aspects alike.

Sophrology has been ambitiously designated as the science of human consciousness. But the thing is not there. It has also been considered as a set of relaxation techniques and methods. Thus, we can affirm that sophrology is a scientific proposal that can help us relax in stressful situations.

What do we understand by stress?

Scientists say that stress occurs at all times. In fact, a body without any stress is a dead body. One has to always desire a certain stress. But that’s not what most people mean when they say “I feel stressed.”

Woman with work stress

Stress is a non-specific response of the body to whatever demands are made on it. This response is physiological and psychological, and is composed of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and glandular changes.

There are many people who think that there is little or nothing they can do when they feel stressed. Facing the challenges and emotions of life is a skill. The good news is that a skill can be taught.

How does sophrology help us against stress?

The discipline of sophrology was created in the 1960s by Alfonso Caycedo. Alfonso Caycedo was a Colombian psychiatrist who practiced in Madrid and who adapted techniques from yoga, Buddhism and Zen to incorporate them into the treatment of his patients.

In this way, sophrology became a discipline to prevent and combat stress, as well as to deepen personal self-knowledge, as we pointed out previously. Sophrology cannot be understood on the basis of theories alone, since experience is the best way to learn.

The Caycedo method

The Caycedo method is the practical structure of sophrology. It is initially inspired by oriental techniques, such as yoga, Buddhism and Zen, currently adapted to our mentality and way of life.

What is the Caycedo method? This method consists of the practice of dynamic Caycedo relaxation and specific phronic techniques. Let’s go to see them.

Woman meditating

Caycedo’s dynamic relaxation

Caycedo dynamic relaxation (RDC) is the method used in sophrology. It consists of the practice of a series of relaxation techniques combined with physical exercises and mental strategies. With them they try to achieve specific goals, such as coping with the stress to which we are subjected on a daily basis.

During his practice, the person develops his capacity for introspection at different levels. Initially, becoming aware of your body, then of your mind and later of your emotional states.

This phenomenological process of awareness leads to better control of physical tensions, thoughts, and bothersome emotions. The person learns to transform negative habits into positive ones and acquires with practice a more serene attitude, more aware of their values ​​and those of their environment.

Caycedo’s dynamic relaxation is composed of twelve degrees that are part of a coherent and structured methodology. Its main objective is for the person to progressively develop self-knowledge at the bodily, mental, emotional, behavioral, axiological and social levels. Thus, it is intended to reduce stress levels.

It uses relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and psychophysical strategies as a medium. This is intended to promote a serene daily life, the creation of positive habits, the reinforcement of the individual’s resources and the development of existential values.

Woman thinking about starting to meditate

Specific phronic techniques

These techniques are characterized by their short duration and their specificity. They can last ten or fifteen minutes on average. With them the parameters of the past, present or future of the person are worked on. Their positive experiences are always emphasized.

In the same way that an emotionally negative experience can negatively affect our psycho-physical balance, a positive experience also affects the whole person. Sophrology activates the positive both in the practice of the Caycedo method and in everyday life.

The person learns to experience the positive in himself (positive somatization) and to become aware of the small positive moments of each day. According to Dr. Caycedo, any positive action directed towards one part of the conscience has a positive impact on the whole being.

Through Caycedo’s dynamic relaxation and specific phronic techniques, it is possible to positively manage the stress we are subjected to on a daily basis. But not only that, it will also help us to know ourselves better.

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