The Wound Does Not Heal Because It Needs To Heal Elsewhere

Can we evolve and heal our wounds anywhere? Are we incompatible with certain environments or places? In this article we analyze it.
The wound does not heal because it needs to heal elsewhere

What is to flee and what is to fight, when the wound does not stop bleeding. Sometimes the wound just doesn’t heal because it needs to heal elsewhere. Leaving or staying alone is a metaphor that symbolizes the struggle of every human being to live the life they want to live.

Sometimes, it’s not about forgetting traumas, people, or wanting to let go of boredom. Sometimes, it is about leaving to be able to be as we are, in a wide and free version. Often we are born in places, but we do not belong to them. We carry with us part of their identity, their memories, their peculiarities, but they are only details that do not fully form us as people.

We spend years fighting to fit in a place, submitting our desires and desires. Sometimes, we are in a place where the roots stop having nutrients. We do not stop bearing fruit because we have lost the ability to do so, but because the necessary conditions are not in place to be able to do so.

Continuing with the metaphor of roots and movement, we must be aware that we can move if we need a change. Or several. We are not trees, nor are we stones. Thus, the time may come when we need to heal elsewhere.

Two ways

Healing in another place is not running away, it is fighting to stay with you

Where you live matters. All the places where you have lived or will live matter. Those places bring out something new, different from you. Each new site comes with the usual ritual of finding a home and a space in it. To get hold of the routes of your new neighborhood. In this phenomenon, there is the joy and confusion of making a new space “yours”. Actually, the tension always exists, only that sometimes you know how to streamline the process more.

The adaptation process requires energy, cognitive engagement, and emotional investment. As we adapt to new geographies, if conditions are satisfactory, we are likely to develop some form of attachment to them.

In the same way that we become attached to our relatives and friends as we grow, we can develop a sense of connection to the places where we live, from our home, our neighborhood, our city, and for some, the entire country.

In order to heal, I have to know my wounds and the place where it is easier to heal them

The best thing about experiencing life in various places is that it is easier to be aware of which problems are genuinely yours, the environment around you and which others derive from the lack of affinity between you and that environment. Thus, from this knowledge an intelligent will to transform ourselves is born.

What you learn most from being in various places, experimenting in them, is that your personal problems and difficulties will remain the same. However, at a certain point, you discover that in some places the solution is simpler, while in others we suffer too much. They are not “emotionally” profitable to us, be it a city, a town, a family or the workplace.

Needing to heal elsewhere is not a whim: geospatial medicine confirms it

Where we live is also a matter of medical interest. Geospatial medicine, sometimes called geomedicine, studies how location affects health and well-being. Just as a person has genetic DNA, he also has environmental DNA.

At least this is the line of thought of biologist and geographer Amy Blatt, author of Health, Science and Place : ” I don’t think people take into account the importance of a place to affect their health until it is too late “, says Blatt.

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that when it comes to premature death, genetics have only a 30% influence ; the other 70% are attributed to non-genetic factors such as the environment, access to medical care, and individual behaviors.

Geospatial psychology

If with physical health the environment where we live is so important, the same will happen with psychological health, hence the healing of the wound in another place. However, in addition to being important some aspects, such as community public services, our social environment is going to be. Feel good to be active.

Stephan Goetz, a professor of agricultural and regional economics at Penn State, published a study that showed suburban residents were happier than rural people. Interestingly, people who hadn’t moved at all in the past five years also reported being happier.

This may be related to not having to find new friends and social networks, ” says Goetz. There are also wounds that do not have to heal elsewhere, they need another site to heal.

Hugging friends

That is to say, it is not only about structural resources, but that you feel in tune with the people around you and want to stay for a long time without anyone having to convince you. Sometimes wounds heal like this, allowing different “airs” to enter them to see which one is the most appropriate.

Finally, for those who tell you that “nothing is like one’s land” or that trying different places is “getting lost or running away”; Remind them that sometimes even unwanted escapes lead you to where you always wanted to be. For something that of ” move, you are not a tree “.

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