Tips To Unhook From Our Mobile

The mobile phone allows us to access information, entertainment and social relationships. But, if we do not use it with caution, it can become really harmful.
Tips to unhook from our mobile

Smartphones are increasingly complete devices, they allow us to enjoy leisure, social relationships and even make our work easier. Due to their multiple uses and their small size, they have become an object that accompanies us wherever we go and in which we invest a large number of hours every day. However, to fully enjoy life we ​​have to unhook ourselves from our mobile.

And we must not forget that our true life runs in three dimensions, that nothing can replace human contact and that technologies must be a complement but not the center of our world. More than 50% of mobile users are already affected by “nomophobia”, that inability to separate from their smartphones.

We have become so used to being hyper-connected, always available or surfing the net that many people feel real anxiety when they get away from their cell phones. Spending a period of time without them can create great restlessness and discomfort, making them feel that they are missing something. Therefore, if you identify with these behaviors, it would be convenient for you to take certain measures.

How to unhook from our mobile?

Respect our limits

Having a mobile phone makes you available 24 hours a day for anyone who wants to contact you. This, without a doubt, would be useful in emergency situations; But we have reached a point where we receive intrusions at any time for unimportant matters. And we no longer talk about conversations with friends, but about work communications.

It is important to understand that we all need time and space to rest, dedicate ourselves to leisure, our families or ourselves. Therefore, it is not healthy to always be alert to work requirements.

In this regard, it would be beneficial to establish “office hours” in which others know that they can contact us. And when this is over, get away from the phone and enjoy the rest of our life areas. You start by setting and respecting these limits and others will adapt to doing so as well. After all, most communication can wait.

Unhook from our mobile to be present

Mobile phones bring us closer to those who are far away, and this is a wonderful thing. But unfortunately, they also alienate us from those around us quite often. In any bar or restaurant, you just have to look around to see how people are immersed in their screens, sitting next to each other but not paying attention.

We have lost the ability to fully enjoy the presence of our loved ones. And in large part it is due to the omnipresence of technology in our lives. Therefore, make the decision to keep your phone stored whenever you go to share time with your friends or family. And, if you can’t resist the temptation, try to leave the phone at home. We are missing precious moments.

Use them consciously

In short, it is not about eliminating the internet or mobile phones from our lives, since the facilities they provide us are undeniable. We have access to information, culture, entertainment and social relationships. But we must be able to act in moderation.

First of all, restrict the hours you spend in front of your phone. You can set a schedule to get news, check social networks or watch a video; But try to keep it on a limited time and make sure you stick to it. Hours pass without realizing it and the mobile phone reduces our productivity and occupies a large part of our time. Become aware and limit its use.

Similarly, it establishes control over the content you consume. The problem with mobile phones is not only an excessive use but also an inappropriate one. When we have no control we can become overloaded with data and information that only adds stress and uncertainty to our lives.

In addition, we are overexposed to negative and harmful content that can affect our mood. Being aware of all the tragedies that occur in the world and the feigned happiness that is shown in some networks are two of the greatest toxins of this century.

So remember that it is in your power to make proper use of new technologies. Unhooking from our mobile will open the door back to our real life. 

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