Give Me Wings To Fly And Reasons To Stay

Give me wings to fly and reasons to stay

We must love in such a way that the person we love feels free to spread their wings. Love is not a ship that needs to be anchored. Love must be left adrift but without letting go of the wheel. Of course it is not easy, no one said it was, but the reward is worth the effort.

We have to free ourselves from that idea of ​​consensual slavery that subjects us over short and long distances. A relationship may be founded initially on love but, in turn, collect reasons to leave.


When we don’t want to fly

Sometimes our wings get lazy and settle into the habit of a life as a couple. We adjust to the tranquility that routine offers us and we relax to the point that it becomes monotony. And monotony leads to boredom, boredom and laziness, which causes us to lose the habit and forget how the flight was raised.

Hands tied with handcuffs

However, other times our wings are injured and therefore it hurts to fly. It is probable that we have damaged them by chaining them or that in their desperate fluttering they have struck against our indifference, being defeated for a long time.

On many occasions, what happens is that we deceive ourselves by saying that we do want to fly when we are doing everything there has been and for having so that this does not take place. In these cases, it is essential to look within and allow ourselves to be open with what we are going to find.

The root makes the tree solid

Helping our tree take root does not mean having to control everything or hope that what we establish will prevail forever. Free and healthy relationships are dynamic and changeable, just like people are.

That is, if we want a solid and strong relationship we have to let our wings fly in search of sustenance that keeps us strong and healthy. Otherwise, our roots will have nowhere to get the nutrients they need to live, which will cause love to perish.

Angry couple


Balancing our relationships: flying collecting motives

To balance our relationships we have to collect reasons to stay. But beware, collecting is not the same as piling up in an attic. Collecting motifs is pampering every moment that contributes to keeping love alive, every smile and every gesture.

The metaphor of the tree helps us understand the importance of taking care of small details and not forgetting that by clinging we lose perspective and food. In other words, just as to create love we need to pay our illusion, to maintain it we need to be able to sustain our decisions and our permanence.

Let our love explain itself and let our seeds grow freely. Let us allow our wings to fly and offer our help to others to do so. Let’s not enslave ourselves, that love is not that.

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