Nutritious People: The Food Of Healthy Relationships

Nutritious people create environments full of positivity that favor a greater sense of well-being.
Nutritious people: the food of healthy relationships

There are charming people who fill our hearts with magic. They are the ones who are in charge of complicating our lives less and think in favor of our well-being. These are nurturing people, who enrich our path.

Each person is unique and, from their authenticity, is capable of generating emotions, thoughts and behaviors in us. Therefore, if they are people who make our lives easier and who fill the spaces we share with them with harmony, we will have greater well-being in our lives.

Through this article we will dive into the world of nutritious people. We will show what their characteristics are, how to attract people of this type and what are the benefits of cultivating relationships with them.

Nutritious people, what are they like?

Nutritious people are those who make us happy just with their presence. Let’s see what its characteristics are:

  • They are people who have a deep understanding of themselves. This leads them to adequately manage their emotions, which is why they are more adept at dealing with different situations.
  • Empathic.  They are people who put themselves in our shoes, being able to get closer to what we think and feel.
  • Tolerant They are people who are open to different perspectives and, although they do not share them, they know how to respect them.
  • Sincere They are able to tell you what they feel and think because they are guided by the principle of honesty.
  • Altruistic. They selflessly seek the good of others.
  • Authentic. These are people who show themselves as they are.
Friends hugging

Nutritious people take care of putting themselves in their shoes. They know what is good for them and, even if it costs them, they say “no” when they see that something is not beneficial. Therefore, they are more assertive in their relationships. Now, it does not mean that they are perfect people, they can make mistakes like any of us. The difference lies in how they face problems and how they solve them by seeking their well-being and without going over the other.

How to attract nutritious people?

As discussed, nutritious people make us feel better. Therefore, it is important to know what keys there are to attract healthy people to our lives:

  • Put limits. If we know how far they can go with us and we do not allow them to exceed, we will be closer to nutritious people, because the toxic ones will move away. Instead, the nutritious will understand the situation and understand our point of view.
  • Say goodbye to dependency. Relationships in which we need the other to be well turn out to be toxic. It is better to think of ourselves and know that we can be next to someone and love him without it being essential to have a feeling of well-being.
  • With whom do we behave in a toxic way and with whom in a nutritious way? Sometimes toxicity does not emanate from others, but from us. To change it, we must begin by knowing each other and working on personal conflicts in order to offer and establish healthy relationships.
  • Think about how we feel. If we think about how our relationships are, we can realize what feelings, ideas and behaviors they generate in us. Is it the other person or is it us? Identifying it is key, if we are not comfortable it is a good sign to know if it is a toxic relationship.

So, there are several ways to approach people who stand as a source of food for healthy relationships. The important thing is to be aware of ourselves and the other person, change what we consider necessary on our part and, if we see that suffering persists, we can choose to move away from that relationship that hurts us so much.

Friends with their backs embraced

Benefits of building relationships with nurturing people

Nutritious people fill us with life. These are people who provide us with great benefits such as:

  • Mature relationships.
  • Better quality of life.
  • Greater peace of mind.
  • Harmony feeling.
  • More positive view of the world and problems.
  • Greater freedom.
  • More authentic relationships.

Now, according to the study by Neva Millic and Ana María Arón, psychology professors at the Catholic University of Chile, nutritious people favor an environment conducive to learning and healthy interpersonal relationships. It is that these people nurture climates in which social coexistence is more feasible, helping to bring out the best version of the people who are situated in that context.

So, if we stop to analyze various contexts, we find that toxic people favor negative environments, which occurs at the work, family and partner level. Therefore, it is better to surround ourselves with nutritious people, since this way we will have an environment where there is greater harmony.

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