SAPO Syndrome: The 4 Skills You Should Avoid In A Job

Find out what are the four qualities to avoid in the work environment, both to find a job and to keep it.
SAPO syndrome: the 4 skills you should avoid in a job

SAPO syndrome, despite its importance and what affects us, is quite unknown. However, it is very important to know what is hidden under the acronym SAPO, especially for the world of work. On the other hand, what is behind the acronym is harmful both for the job search and for the maintenance of a job.

However, we also recommend avoiding SAPO syndrome in your daily life: it is not a good company in any area. To understand it better, we will try to specify its meaning and consequences.

What is SAPO Syndrome?

SAPO syndrome encompasses the four skills that can completely destroy our work environment. They are the acronyms of four attitudes to take into account.

  • Pride.
  • Arrogance.
  • Prepotency.
  • Obstinacy.
Woman feeling anger

S. Pride

As defined by the Royal Spanish Academy, we understand by pride:

Pride is not exactly an attitude that generates sympathy. What’s more, people who think they are superior tend to arouse great rejection in others.

On the other hand, even if it is a thought that they try to hide, it is easy for them to end up revealing their false humility. An attitude that arouses even more rejection.

A. Arrogance

If we were to look up the definition of arrogance in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, it would lead us to the term arrogant . Said term includes said meaning:

In colloquial language, it is often used as a synonym for arrogance. On the behavioral level, perhaps the position that stands out the most is the systematic disregard for the arguments and opinions of others . On the other hand, perhaps it would have a lower component of pride than arrogance does.

P: arrogance

We would be in a register very similar to that of the previous attitudes. In fact, we could see arrogance as a manifestation of arrogance or a consequence.

Someone thinks they are better and wiser than others (arrogant) and therefore do not pay attention to what others have to say (arrogant).

Or: Obstinacy

If we look for this concept in the Royal Spanish Academy we find the following definition :

With this record, we would be talking about  people who find it difficult to make them change their vision or opinion.

The same happens when we refer to this term from the workplace, and it refers to those people who only take their opinions and ideas as valid. For this reason, you will always work much better if you listen to and listen to the opinions and ideas of others.

Workers talking about their projects

Skills against SAPO syndrome

Having a good work environment is a circumstance that everyone appreciates. A small sample of traits can be handled that, unlike SAPO Syndrome, can help us succeed in our work:

  • Resolving ability

Knowing how to react to possible inconveniences that may arise in our workplace is a point to really value, not only for your company, but also for yourself.

  • Creativity and initiative

Sometimes we are afraid to share the ideas that come to mind. However, it is an aspect that is highly valued by many companies.

  • Teamwork

It is, without a doubt, one of the most valued traits when working in any company. It is even groped in many job interviews. Knowing how to work with other people and make a team so that the work goes forward is something very positive for any company.

  • Tolerance to criticism

Critics usually don’t sit well with us. It is not usually pleasant for someone to come, and from outside, question our work. However, on many occasions these messages contain information that we could use to our advantage.

  • Adaptability

Sometimes we can make changes to modify the conditions and that they adapt to our preferences. However, sometimes we will not be able to make these adaptations in the environment and what we will have to do is adapt our desires. In short, adapt.

  • Planning

Planning, and doing it well, is one of the skills that can most reduce daily stress. Establishing a good order of priorities and transferring it to our decisions at specific times, to fill in the agenda and then follow it, saves us a lot of resources.

We have seen SAPO syndrome and those characteristics that can make us very resistant to its influence. Now it is in our hands to apply them.

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