7 Phrases That Will Help You Forgive

7 phrases that will help you forgive

Forgiveness is an act of mercy, but above all of liberation; for those who receive it, but above all for those who give it. This exercise of generosity with one and with the other or the others  is essential to maintain emotional stability, to close old chapters and open new ones. It is very difficult to be well while holding grudges and that is why today we have brought some phrases that will help you forgive.

In many cases it is not easy to forgive the person who hurt us, especially when our insides ask for revenge or our actions can feed that resentment. Even more difficult when the injury was caused by someone we love or hold in high regard. For this reason, as we say, it is an act of generosity, the resolution of a dialogue with oneself, face to face.

Thus, forgiveness is a sublime act, which occurs as the fruit of a reconciliation process . This implies a new pact, which supposes not to incur again in the conducts that gave rise to the affront. It is worth it, in any case. For ourselves and for others. Here we share 7 phrases that will help you forgive.

Forgiveness is not easy

One of the phrases that will help you forgive comes from the pen of Benjamin Franklin. It says the following: ” The three most difficult things in this world are: keep a secret , forgive a wrong and take advantage of time. “

Forgiveness is never easy, neither for one nor for the other party. In both cases it demands greatness. To those who ask for forgiveness, because they must acknowledge their mistake and commit not to repeat the offense. Who forgives because it requires nobility, generosity and understanding of the weaknesses of others.

Couple holding hands at sunrise symbolizing phrases that will help you forgive

Two phrases that will help you forgive

Mahatma Gandhi bequeathed many of the phrases that will help you forgive. Forgiveness was at the base of his entire philosophy of life. One of those phrases states: “To forgive is the courage of the brave. Only he who is strong enough to forgive an offense knows how to love ”.

Gandhi made an association between forgiveness and love. Because both to love and to forgive you need strength. The same was seen by Martin Luther King, who said: ” He who is unable to forgive is unable to love. ” In love there is always the capacity for forgiveness… and in forgiveness there is always the capacity to love.

Forgiveness is a blessing

William Shakespeare offers us a vision of forgiveness that reveals its scope. It not only favors the one who receives it, but also the one who gives it. One of his phrases says: “ Forgiveness falls like soft rain from heaven to earth. It is twice blessed; bless the one who gives it and the one who receives it ”.

Flying birds symbolizing phrases that will help you forgive

By forgiving, he who is capable of forgetting the wrong, magnifies himself. He is able to overcome the damage he received and seek peace with the other. The one who is forgiven receives this benefit, but not gratuitously. He also grows by acknowledging his mistake and admitting that his behavior was not acceptable.

The need for forgiveness

One of the most important reasons to forgive is the fact that all human beings make mistakes. This is what a phrase by Jacinto Benavente reminds us: ” To forgive is only learned in life when in turn we have needed to be forgiven a lot. ” We are human and, sooner or later, we all need forgiveness.

On the other hand, there are also those who blame themselves and beat themselves excessively when they make a mistake. Those who feel eternally condemned to ask forgiveness for everything they do. In this regard, Confucius says: ” Forgive everything to someone who forgives himself nothing. ” A phrase that calls for generosity of spirit.

By forgiving you get peace

Demián Bucay also reminds us of the great benefit that those who forgive obtain. One of his reflections points out the following: “ After an offense, the way to regain peace, to gain freedom and psychological balance is to forgive. Only in this way will we heal our wound and prevent resentment from paralyzing us. “

Woman in the field symbolizing phrases that will help you forgive

The final phrase is key in your affirmations. Grudges have enormous force and they feed on themselves. When they are very intense and last for a long time, they end up paralyzing. Limiting emotional life and preventing progress.

It would be good to have these phrases on hand to help you forgive. Forgiveness liberates and magnifies. The important thing is to do it from the heart, side and side. It is not a simple ritual to eliminate guilt, but a halt and a rethinking that should lead to a growth of all those involved.

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