7 Phrases By Emilio Duró That Will Make You Think

7 phrases by Emilio Duró that will make you think

Emilio Duró is a Spanish professor, businessman and lecturer who has worked for years advising all types of companies. At one point in his life, Emilio Duró had a personal problem and began to wonder what was wrong with him and why there were people who, despite having apparently everything in life, were unhappy.

Many of us have heard of his motivational lectures on optimism and hope. Emilio Lasted part in these conferences of a fundamental pillar that is the following: what has changed the most in recent years is that life expectancy has increased. This influences everything else.

Next, we propose 7 phrases by Emilio Duró that will make you reflect on your life, and even on your way of acting.

Emilio Duró giving a lecture

The importance of smiling

When we go by subway, bus or we are in a meeting and we look at people’s faces, they are usually serious. The smile and the illusion have been lost. Many people live lives they don’t want and complain but do absolutely nothing to change.

How many times have you heard from a friend of yours who doesn’t like his job? Probably he has not done anything to change that and the reason is the fear of change, of the uncertainty of the new. The famous “better known bad”, that is the fear that takes away the smile.

Happy smiling woman

Emilio Duró and motivation

Since I heard Emilio Duró for the first time, I have noticed how people climb the stairs and it is very curious. For example, in the subway, people always go up the escalators and the few who go up the normal ones do it as if they had a 100-kilo load on their back.

Very few people go up with energy, jumping the steps two at a time and wanting to eat the stairs, life and everything that lies ahead.

However, that is the attitude: courage, energy, enthusiasm and will to live. The next time you go up some stairs, take a look, it’s very curious.

Relativize what worries you

The concern about what may happen with an exam, with a work problem, with a love relationship, with a trip … It is the day to day of all of us. Stop for a moment and think, Has the thing that has worried me so far happened? The answer is most likely no.

Therefore, when you worry about something, think about it probably never happening and that you are wasting your precious time on a worry that will create negative feelings and will not let you enjoy yourself. Get out there and get on with your life smiling.

Change the way you act

This was already said by Albert Einstein: “Don’t expect different results if you always do the same thing.” It is something very obvious but one that we often forget. We tend to do exactly the same in similar situations and when the result does not change we complain.

When you are faced with a situation and you have to act, stop for a moment and think: What have I done in the past? And do something different, maybe the result is not what you expect, but it will certainly be different. You dare?

Woman with balloons

Emilio Duró and the heart as a motor

The brain and the heart, the eternal fantastic pairing. We think too much and we don’t get carried away. If you have to make a decision and you have doubts, your heart will have already told you what the answer is, but you have not heard it.


Following your heart is complicated, because you will risk and you may be wrong, but you will have the satisfaction of doing what you really want, which puts a smile on your face and makes your heart race. Find your passion and let your heart beat strong.

Take the helm of your life, you can do it

This sentence is, in a way, the conclusion of all the others. There are things in life that we cannot change, but we can control how we feel or how to play with the cards we have. The attitude we take towards life is essential.

The secret is not to be afraid and to know that life is not eternal and you have to enjoy every moment. Do not live the life of another or based on what another wants or desires. Think about what you want and go for it without fear. You can manage fear and make it act as motivation.

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