5 Teachings Of “The Little Prince ” That Will Help You To Be Better

5 teachings of "The Little Prince" that will help you to be better

The work of “The Little Prince”, written by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry, is one of the most widely read books of all time. Although it is considered a children’s book due to the simplicity of its narrative, it deals with such profound topics as the meaning of life, love, friendship, loneliness and loss.

The great teachings of “The Little Prince” transport us to a world full of essence linked with wisdom. Images and situations that exemplify our difficulties and the ridiculous way that we sometimes behave. Because life in essence is not as complicated as when it seems to us a world, we are without a doubt we who complicate it.

The innocent story of “The Little Prince” shows us a world parallel to our reality, which has to do with the true essence of all of us, in a deep reflection on the condition of human nature. His teachings make us question how we are living, so that we become aware of how we can learn to be better people.

Reflections that “The Little Prince” leaves us

“The little prince” is considered a masterpiece, as it is capable of surprising and capturing the attention of anyone, from children to adults, regardless of age. Its beauty lies in the profound teachings, which are captured in simple language. It is full of words that evoke wonderful images, loaded with sensitivity and tenderness.

The author writes this work directly from his heart and that is why he has been able to reach so many hearts in the world through his words. These five teachings that we share below have the value of changing our lives, if we are able to integrate them:

1. The essential is invisible to the eyes

This is one of the best known reflections of “The Little Prince”, immediately upon hearing it or reading it we recognize it. In a world like the one we live in, it makes even more sense, since we are superficially attached to materialism, competitiveness and appearances.

“The essential is invisible to the eyes”, reminds us that we are much more than this world of appearances. Because the important things are those that cannot be seen, they are those that are felt ; like love, kindness, generosity and friendship.

The details are in the little things that often go unnoticed. The material is ephemeral, and valuing the environment for the material and the appearance, without a doubt, is a path that will lead us towards suffering. Love and kindness, however, are two aspects, in principle invisible, but with the power to change the world.

Baobab tree featured in "The Little Prince"

2. Know yourself and you will be able to understand others better

Getting involved in your own knowledge of yourself is always more complicated than judging others. The easy thing is to complain about how the world is and how we would like it to be, however, what are you doing for yourself to contribute to a better world?

The moment we become aware of who we are and commit ourselves to being better people every day, is when we are really ready to help and share our love with each of the beings that are part of who we are. There are no good or bad, there are people who do what they can, how best they know how to do it, with what they have received. A person cannot give what he does not have, so it is important that you cultivate your love.

When we deepen ourselves and begin to understand ourselves, it is a key that opens understanding to others. We will know that others seek happiness just like us. However, not everyone seeks it through the right path. But, without a doubt, it will help us to better understand the mistakes of others.

3. Love is not looking at each other, but looking at both in the same direction

Love is something of two, this union as special as the one that love supposes, loses meaning and strength when there is no reciprocity. Love is built through collaboration: the moment one is off the hook, it is the other person who bears all the weight and that is how it ends up being destroyed.

For both people to walk in the same direction, with the guidance and strength of love, it is necessary to share life projects. The fact of sharing joys, experiences and common interests gives sustenance and vitality to two souls who share an extraordinary journey.

Little prince with rose

4. Maintain the illusion and innocence despite bad experiences

As we accumulate experiences, we increase our layers of mistrust. We lose the freshness that innocence gives us: observing, exploring and experiencing the new that each day offers us. We are left without experiencing how extraordinary there is in everything that happens to us.

It is inevitable that we feel the pain and that we go through the anguish of difficult situations. It is part of our growth, as well as maintaining the illusion of each day in order to continue giving meaning to everything that happens to us. And that sense escapes us from reason, since it is impregnated with our feelings.

When we remove the painful layers that have made us form an armor around us, we begin again to see the world with different eyes. Fresh eyes that observe and appreciate how wonderful it hides after a sunrise, after a hug or after a smile.

5. Dare to know people in essence

We pay much attention to the appearances of what we have and very little to what we are. Venturing to know someone in depth is the way to find their true essence, their most real beauty. We make an external assessment, we remain in prejudice and we do not give the opportunity to know anything about the other person without this knowledge already being conditioned. We can only reach love if we generate the possibility of knowing and understanding others.

Which of these teachings from “The Little Prince” would you choose? This story that seems, at first, to be for children has multiple lessons that only an adult could understand. So constantly reviewing it can help us in our lives and remember the teachings it offers us.

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