5 Strategies To Maintain Control Under Pressure

5 strategies to stay in control under pressure

It’s not easy at all to maintain control under pressure. There are moments when everything seems to conspire to get us out of our boxes. Situations in which everything starts to go wrong are typical, but there is also an “obligation” to give them a spin so that they go well.

It is precisely the moment when everything starts to go wrong when our capacity for self-control is put to the test. It is very easy for us to get carried away by anguish, but at the same time that anguish prevents us from thinking clearly and effectively solving the challenge we face.

It is in those moments when we can use some strategies to prevent what was already bad from getting worse. Such strategies are simple actions that make the difference between handling a situation, or letting it get complicated and get out of hand. Here we present some of those techniques that go very well when chaos seems to flood what we intend to intervene on.

How to keep control under pressure?

1. Adapt the language

Language and thought are always linked. One is made of the other. That is why it is so important to know how to adapt language to different situations. This automatically shapes our thinking and puts it to work in our favor.

To maintain control under pressure, it is necessary to describe what happens to us precisely and as realistically as possible. In other words, not to indulge in that tremendous language that we often use when we are anxious or anxious.

Some believe they vent when they say “ Why is this happening to me! “Actually, they are wrong. Expressions like that only increase internal discomfort. Hence, it is essential to take care of the words with which we structure our thoughts in times of strong pressure.

man talking to handle control under pressure

2. Adjust the body

Distressing situations cause a series of organic changes and all of them affect the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, one of the strategies to maintain control under pressure is to exert a modulation work on our body.

To do this, we first have to be familiar with how our body normally works. It is necessary to have a clear notion of what the rhythm of our heart is like, or what our sweating is like and the sensation that there is in our muscles. In this way, we will easily detect any modification. That single awareness helps to return the body to its normal state, especially if we accompany it with breathing exercises.

3. Activate positive thoughts

Control under pressure depends to a large extent on the perspective we take in the face of the situation and the elements of pressure. If we see it as evidence of how miserable we are, the situation will soon take over in the nature of torture.

If we think about it a little better, the idea that can save us from the spiral appears: every situation gives us something. The task is precisely to discover what is positive that we can find in the situation that generates so much pressure.

Let’s think that the easy thing does not usually teach us too much . On the contrary, the complicated episodes are the ones that nourish us the most. Sometimes they just teach us to be more patient and test our ability to control. That, by itself, is already a great contribution.

Happy woman thinking about control under pressure

4. Project towards the new

It is possible that we do not allocate many resources to digest what we have lived . Not only those great events that change our lives to some extent, but also the small daily experiences that shape us.

When we get into the habit of spending a little time analyzing, we begin to realize how much critical situations have contributed to us. It is also very possible that we will find reasons to increase confidence to face similar challenges.

Having the “homework” done in this sense is something that later helps us to better project ourselves in a situation of pressure or crisis. Internally we know that we are facing something that can help us grow. We increase the capacity to be permeable to what the course of events can teach us.

Woman with backpack sitting in front of two roads thinking about control under pressure

5. Compare constructively

Faced with a situation that tests our patience, it is smart to refer to past experiences. The point is to make a constructive comparison, with the aim of applying what we have learned in similar situations.

This strategy is especially useful when we evaluate the situation as very difficult and our mind looks for that kind of reset by going blank. Also when we feel very fatigued or experience a certain feeling of helplessness. Nothing better than to use what we acquired yesterday to solve the problems we face now.

As you can see, all strategies to maintain control under pressure are associated with attitude. It is up to us not to surrender part or all of control to what threatens us, preparing to give the challenge a form of constructive experience.

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