5 Relaxation Techniques To Concentrate During An Exam

5 relaxation techniques to focus during an exam

Nerves, emotion, anxiety and fear can play tricks on us when taking an exam, since they make concentration difficult. It doesn’t matter how well prepared you are. If you let your emotions take over you, you will have serious difficulties in taking that test. Applying relaxation techniques can help you, a lot.

In addition to getting a good night’s sleep and having breakfast or eating properly, applying relaxation techniques will help calm those nerves caused by uncertainty and responsibility. Taking a few minutes to calm down when you detect signs of stress and anxiety will help you better solve the test. Nor should you forget about the previous preparation.

Prepare the test

When we prepare for an exam, in addition to studying, it is very convenient to rehearse the exam, to test yourself beforehand. For that we can do exam simulations alone or in a group, or ask someone we trust to ask us questions or listen to us in a reading or dissertation.

Exam answer template

However, it is also highly advisable to prepare yourself on how you are going to feel and how you are going to overcome those sensations. Although it is not the same, it is important to think about it. Throughout your life you have taken many exams, and you can get an idea of ​​how you are emotionally.

The emotional preparation for a test is as important as learning the content, knowing how to develop the topics or solve the problems. In fact, many people don’t do a mock exam because they get so nervous.

Rehearse positive

Much of the problem of nerves before an exam is the fear of what will happen if we do not pass it or if we do not get enough marks. This mistrust fuels anxiety, just as it does to visualize ourselves nervous and scared. That is why it is important to think positive, think about success and visualize ourselves doing the exam calmly.

To do this, relax and close your eyes. Breathe in, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Start imagining yourself taking the test. You are relaxed and calm; you feel good. See yourself completing the test and allow yourself a few moments to enjoy the feeling of being relaxed.

Put into practice strategies to control your nerves

You need to learn strategies to take control over your nerves. To do this, try the following method to relax and regain control. The opportunity may arise while doing a simulation or even during a visualization. In any case, practice whenever you get nervous about something or even when you are calm.

First , focus on your nerves and your feeling of anxiety. Give it a value between one and ten. Then breathe in, inhaling deeply and exhaling as slowly as you can, progressively increasing the time of exhalation. As you breathe, imagine how that value that you have given to your nerves goes down, as if it were a mercury thermometer.

Get organized before starting the test

Before starting the exam, you must organize yourself. Do your breathing exercises, think positive and encourage yourself. Afterwards, read all the instructions, distribute the time and do not be overwhelmed if something, at first, seems difficult to you. Don’t forget to set aside a few final minutes to review.

Stressed woman surrounded by notebooks

If possible, start with the easiest or what you know best, respecting the time you have allotted to that part. Save the hardest or most complex for last. As you complete tasks, you will feel more energetic and stress free. In any case, respect the times. This will allow you to stay in control.

Whatever happens, it’s not the end of the world

Exams are a big responsibility. The result can determine our future, open and close doors for us. The uncertainty regarding the questions and the objectivity at the time of the evaluation are two very stressful aspects. But whatever happens, it is not the end of the world. And that is something that you have to burn in your mind.

The world does not end in that exam. Whatever happens, you will always have options. Obsessing yourself is only going to hurt you. Don’t worry about what you can’t control and focus on doing your best. You are the most important while taking an exam and you can control yourself, so stop worrying about what is not in your hand.


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