5 Behaviors Considered Negative That Are Very Healthy

Many times, society confuses expressing frustration and being sensitive with something negative. In this article we explain why this is something that is far from reality.
5 behaviors considered negative that are very healthy

We were born into a society that instills in us guidelines for how to behave. From a young age, our family and also in our school tell us how we should act, what we should do or not do, how we should treat others …

Ultimately, we learn a series of rules to be able to relate to others and be accepted in society. If we do not follow them, we will not be accepted. So simple and easy.

Repressing certain emotions in public, controlling our reactions … we are internalizing all of this to follow a model of person who can be accepted. But what if all that we contain is really positive?

The reason for suppressing certain emotions, such as crying, is because it is considered to show a weak and vulnerable person. But what if this were not so? What if we are wrong?

Today you will see how certain behaviors considered negative are more positive than you think. Learn to see them from another perspective and you will see that it may not be very good to continue repressing them. Are you ready to discover them?

1. Express anger

girl with dragons

Anger is something much greater than anger. When we feel anger we are almost on the verge of exploding, if we haven’t already. This is not accepted and they can give you a bad look if, normally, you express your anger.

But is it better to contain it? If you do, you will end up being like a pressure cooker. Sooner or later, circumstances will overwhelm and everything will end up blowing up. You will not be able to control your anger and everything can get out of hand.

This can be very harmful to you. Keeping our anger can lead to feelings of rejection, hatred, resentment … Do not keep your anger, expressing it will help you free yourself from this emotion that, far from benefiting you, harms you.

2. I feel lost!

Who has not ever felt lost? Everything, at some point in our life, we have not known what to do with it, where to go, how to act. This is completely normal, but it is something that we do not accept. We are afraid of feeling lost and these can generate great anxiety. We can feel that we are wasting time, that everything is beyond our control.

Nothing is further from reality. Feeling lost will help you pay more attention to what is around you. Your senses will be alert and you will listen to your deepest feelings and emotions. Soon … you will have found your way.

3. Crying embarrasses me

Crying is something that we have learned, as we get older, to control. As children we cry about everything, but doing it when we are adults is considered an act of immaturity. Therefore, we have learned to suppress our tears that put us in a very uncomfortable situation in front of others. We are vulnerable and we remain very weak and fragile people.

But, crying is very beneficial. It can free you from everything that causes you pain, from everything that makes you suffer and is preventing you from continuing. Don’t you feel better after crying long and hard? That’s because crying has a liberating power that we can’t do without.

4. Deaf ears

Learning to listen is very difficult. In fact, many people feel that they know how to listen very well, but this is not reciprocal. Listening is good, but not always. What do we mean by this? If we do not listen to certain opinions or criticisms, we may not be coerced into acting in one way or another.

Sometimes we care too much what others say and we lose that which throws us the most. Therefore, learn to listen, but also to turn a deaf ear to what does not really benefit you.

Not listening does not imply ignoring or closing in on the band. Not listening means that we will be prudent, that we will know how to mark our limits and that we will not feel pressured by the words that others can dedicate to us.

5. I am not able to adapt

girl with bicycle

Adapting to circumstances to situations is something that is expected of us. But, what if no matter how hard we try, we are not able to adapt? Maybe we don’t fit into our work environment, maybe I find myself out of place in that group of colleagues I’m in … if so, it doesn’t matter! Learn to walk away and look beyond that where you can’t find your own hole.

You don’t have to adapt to everything. This will only cause you to give more importance to your comfort zone, preventing you from exploring new possibilities, moving forward and feeling fulfilled.

Reflect on these 5 behaviors that seem like they were only negative, but they have a lot of positive. Learn to express them properly, even if you never let them get out of hand. Everything in its proper measure is healthy. What do you think about wanting and wanting to be accepted in society?

Images courtesy of Michael Cheval, Vladimir Kush, Nicoletta Ceccoli

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