21 Unrepeatable Phrases In The History Of Cinema

21 unrepeatable phrases from the history of cinema


I do not know any person who does not like to enjoy the pleasure of a good movie, to get out of their lives for a little while and to get into the history of others. Well, today we are going to talk about some of the best known phrases that have remained in history.


“We’ll always have Paris”


… And the park bench, and the ice cream parlor on the corner, and the lamppost that cuts through the darkness of the street and the darkness between one street and another… We associate places with memories that we do not want to let go of and that unite us in a way invisible with who we are.

Not surprisingly, part of the good thing about the memory of Paris is that we can always relive it within our minds.



“They may take our lives, but they will never take away our freedom”


There are ideals that have cost lives. Heartbeats that have made it possible for us to have a better world today. Some of these stories are famous and we know many of them but others are anonymous and have been the grains of sand that form the beach of such wonderful things, such as freedom.



“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”


In the phrase “dear” appears, but other people could well appear. Sometimes they tell us things that matter to us at all, especially when they are gossip or things that concern third parties.

The phrase belongs to the movie “Gone with the Wind” and was spoken by actor Clark Gable. They were his last words to Scarlett O’Hara (Vivien Leigh) near the end of the film, when Scarlett asks Rhett, “Where am I going? What shall I do? ‘When he leaves her. He answers the famous phrase before closing the door.



“My mom says that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what is going to touch you”


The phrase of the mother of the great Forrest Gamm is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and true definitions that have ever been uttered. In it, an unknown reality is recognized, many of the decisions we make, we make blindly. On the other hand, it talks about life as a box of chocolates, as a sweet gift!



What are you up to, brunettes? 


Walt Kowalski, in “Gran Torino” pronounces this phrase to confront three young men who used to practice intimidation. With this phrase he not only catches their attention but also tells them that he is not going to be intimidated and that he knows his game very well.

A movie that we recommend!


Sometimes I see dead …


It is not very common to see the dead, but it is more common to see things that do not exist. Our senses are far from being infallible and not only do they omit sensations but on some occasions they also invent them!

The sixth sense has become popular as that sense that collects information in what way and what information is not known but that has weight in the decisions we make. Let’s call it intuition …



Sometimes even I dance under the snow…


– “He never saw him again, never after that night” + “How do you know?” – “Because I was there” + “Why didn’t you go back to the mansion? You could still go ” -” No, darling … now I’m an old woman; I’d rather you keep reminding me how it was then. + “How do you know he’s still alive?” – “Well, I don’t know, I’m not sure, but I have a feeling that it is; you see … before he came, it never snowed here; On the other hand, afterwards, it did snow; If I weren’t still alive, it wouldn’t be snowing now. Sometimes even I dance under the snow…”

Like Eduardo Scissorhands, we are all unfinished beings when we arrive in this world. It is our decisions along the path of life that are finishing to configure and complete us… and a great decision is to allow ourselves the pleasure of enjoying this film.



“ET, my house, phone …”


For many a science fiction story, for others the best friendship story ever told on the big screen.

As one of the many anecdotes in the film we will tell you that ET began shooting in September 1981. The project was filmed under the covert name of A Boy’s Life , because Spielberg did not want anyone to discover it and plagiarize the plot. The actors had to read the script behind closed doors, and everyone on set had to wear a badge.



“May the Force be with you”


Always, may the force be with you always dear readers! Because the Force will be what keeps you standing every day of your life …



We have selected a few to comment on, but here are the 16 phrases that great films recommend to us according to the American Film Institute (AFI):

  1. “I will make you an offer that you cannot refuse.” The Godfather
  2. “You do not understand! I could have had class. I could have been a contender. I could have been someone, instead of a fool, which is what I am. ” The law of silence
  3. “I put God as my witness that I will never go hungry again” Gone with the Wind (1939).
  4. “My treasure …” The Lord of The Rings
  5. “Oh Captain, my Captain …” The Club of the Dead Poets
  6. “Give wax, polish wax” Karate Kid
  7. “Houston, we have a problem” Apollo 13
  8. “Fasten your belts. It’s going to be a tough night. ” Naked eva
  9. “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” The Godfather
  10. “What we have here is a communication failure.” Cool hand luke 
  11. “A magician is never late or early: he arrives exactly when he wants to.” The Lord of the rings
  12. “To love is never to have to say ‘I’m sorry’” Love Story
  13. “The stuff dreams are made of.” The Maltese Falcon
  14. “I made it, Mom! Top of the world! ” Red Hot
  15. “I am very angry and I will not tolerate this anymore!” An unforgiving world
  16. “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” White House

Now we want to hear from you, dear readers, what are your favorite movie phrases?

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