15 Tips To Overcome A Love Disappointment

15 tips to overcome a love disappointment

She feels totally disappointed, she is no longer happy with him, she does not recognize him. .. She is immersed in a love disappointment. Where is that person who fell in love with you? Why does he behave like this, with that indifference that hurts him so much?

Because there is nothing more painful than indifference. She would even prefer that he argue with her as in other times. But there is nothing, no discussions.

Love hurts and hurts deeply in the soul and in the heart when it is not reciprocated. It is a different pain and different from the rest, it seems that it was designed in a different way. It is the love disappointment.

However, we all know what it is, we have all gone through that feeling that seems like it will never go away. But it happens. And, although we believe that we will never believe in love again, love reappears when we least expect it and in the most casual way, because love is never sought, it is always found.

1. To overcome a love disappointment, accept the situation

In life there are a thousand situations that we have no choice but to accept and that is that life is like that. When we begin to accept what happens to us, we stop fighting it and can begin to assimilate.

Sad woman after a love deception

2. Let that person go

Do not insist on what cannot be. If that person does not want to be with you, let them go, otherwise you would fall into obsessions that do not lead to anything good.

3. Take your time

Do not despair, you will have moments of downturn, the memory of that person will return to your mind, but always remember to “give time to time”.

4. Cry all you need

In tears we download all the sadness that we carry inside. Tears are a great remedy to cleanse our soul. We will feel much calmer, relaxed if we decide to leave all the pain in those tears forever.

Man with a black rose

5. Do activities that enrich you

Having a busy mind is very important. To overcome a love disappointment as soon as possible, do activities that you have always liked. Reading, writing, painting, doing sports, crafts …

6. Try not to prolong the inner monologue around that person

It is true that when we go through these moments that person insists on our head. But tell him enough! Try again and again. You sure end up getting it.

7. Listen to music

Music relaxes, encourages, not in vain it awakens endorphins, the so-called hormones of happiness. So when you’re down, put the music up loud and dance!

8. Reflect, forgive

Make pain serve you to learn. Only by living do we learn to live. Take it as one more experience in your life that has served to enrich you. Forgive yourself and forgive him if you hurt each other. The damage is useless, only to hurt yourself.

Flower growing from an arm

9. Lean on the people who love you the most

In these moments it is good that you are accompanied by people who you really know who love you. A hug, a few laughs and a conversation can help you a lot.

10. Start from scratch

After the “clean slate” mourning, life goes on and there are a thousand wonderful things yet to live. Nip in the bud with that person. Don’t read their emails, remove all their photos. None of this has to do with spite, hatred … do not allow yourself those feelings. Simply, sometimes it is necessary to put ground in between to forget.

11. Help yourself with writing

Many times, writing down our feelings is a good way to vent. There are even people who write themselves a letter that they then burn. It is a symbolic act that means for ourselves, that we break and leave that relationship behind.

12. Take care of your health more than ever

When we are sad our immune system suffers. Eat a good diet, do not neglect it and take a whim like chocolate or a sweet. You can also do some kind of relaxation.

Woman looking at the sun with hope

13. If she has left you for someone else, never compare yourself to her

“Comparisons are hateful” this phrase sums it up perfectly. All this will only serve to delve into the wound, make it bigger and make you writhe endlessly in a sea of ​​suffering.

14. Meet new people

Many times we realize that we had focused so much on him or her that we had not realized that there are thousands of wonderful people in the world.

We are not talking only about possible partners, but about friends, people with whom we can have a good conversation, have a good time and laugh. A joke, a good time with friends … Record in your head, “I deserve it”, “I promise to laugh even once”.

15. Read an article

Read a book about this that can help you overcome love disappointment. I wish we could help you with this little article if you are going through such a situation; But at least we give you all the strength and courage in the world. Because when a door closes, a window opens.

Photos courtesy of Greta Larosa, David Talley.

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